Kat-tun emotions

Mar 24, 2008 00:33

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ynaoblivious April 8 2008, 17:24:16 UTC
here, new thread! I think... XD

We don't have winter break... XD and our school year starts in June...well, the other schools start in June, but at my university, classes start in May...so I might be back there soon...

awww...Arashi debuted there, I think...or at least, the announcement was on a cruise ship to Hawaii or something... yes, and wasn't Yamapi there sometime to shoot Kurosagi? And in Cartoon KAT-TUN, they say Ueda goes to Hawaii during his free time sometimes or something like that, I think...

aww...good luck! I hope you at least get some goods while you're in China or something...? >.<

ahhh, I can understand that...I keep my blogcrews f-locked for days...and I space them out so that it's not so hard to update...
yes, if you open to all Asian artists, be prepared to receive a LOT of comments.. XD


fujaya April 11 2008, 10:14:30 UTC
Yay! XD

ah that sucks no winter break? My school starts in early August or late July (hopefully not on my birthday >.< )You start so early!!

hmm omg!! Arashi did debut here!!! but i would have been like in elementary..... hmm i don't know if he did but i'll check later. Eep i know! Nakamaru said that i think, but i never saw him here before!! T_T (must be very good at disguising) if he does come, and he is only 2 feet away from me and i don't notice i'm gonna shoot myself >.< (j/k) I wish i can see him!!!

i hope so! I want to see if I can find JE shops (hopefully I do) would u like me to bring u back something? (my friends are all making me bring them back souvenirs, they gave me a book of what they want.....a book.... >.> )

haha I'm gonna post a blogcrew up tomorrow when i get back from school, it's about whipped cream! I said i was gonna post it up last week but then life got in the way XD so i'm posting it up late (reserving Tegoshi for you again okies?)
eep lots of comments ... don't know if i'll be ready for that yet! O.O


ynaoblivious April 12 2008, 07:19:00 UTC
well, we don't have winter, so..yeah, no winter break... XD yes, our school year is unusual, regular schools here start in June and end in March...I have no idea why our school year seems so different from the rest of the world's!

oh, yeah, they debuted a long time ago...9 years, I think?or 10?
And I read a fan report that Yamapi was there, and they shot in the airport or something...
Well, keep an eye out for Uebo-hime!!! wouldn't want to miss him, ne? and be sure to surreptitiously take pictures!!! And maybe "accidentally" bump into him..? XD

Good luck~! I think there might be JE shops there, but of course I don't know for sure... XD uwaaaaah, a BOOK?!?!?! they must want a LOT of stuff~!!!! O.o
Awww, I want to, but...*shy* >//< plus, we live so far apart :(

yay, I saw your blogcrew!!! Thank you for the 3 of them~!!!! <3333 I might post one soon, as well...


fujaya April 15 2008, 02:04:27 UTC
ah you should have winter break! >_<
every one deserves fun and breaks!!!

um think it was 9 ....?
ah Yamapi!! Uebo!!! ah wish i could see them, but most likely i'll be in school and then don't get to see them T_T (but I won't give up! fight-to~~~!!!!!!
I'll take pictures, don't worry i'll show you if i'm every gonna see him that is, if i'm lucky i could bump into him and maybe i can smell him too! XDD

yup they want LOTS~ my money!!!
haha don't worry i'm shy to, but i learn to live up the moment and not let it pass by no matter how embarrassing XD don't worry about that to i can send airmail, just gotta get my mom to teach me XP

Your welcome, ah i'm gonna stop making blogcrew for this week (notice i had one for every week XD ) though i might start again next week (to addicting >.< )


ynaoblivious April 17 2008, 11:17:51 UTC
well, we have breaks, just not winter break...or spring break... XD

well, you have a bigger chance of seeing JE boys without ever leaving your island than I do! XD gambare~!!! *cough*andtakelotsofpictures!!!!*cough* and if you do smell meet them, write a full report, ne? XD

aww, I hope the stuff they want you to buy doesn't cost too much...
when are you going to China, btw? July? *isn't really sure about the school years and vacation times of other countries*

lol! yes, they're sooo addictive! I'm trying to stop making blogcrews (and claiming too much!!!) because I now need 3 posts for my blogcrew claims! x.x so...hmmm...


fujaya April 18 2008, 08:33:08 UTC
ah well hopefully that changes soon XD

Why don't they have concerts here or anywhere else other than Japan and Taiwan???? T_T that way we can both see them!!!!
*cough*i'lltakeoneevery5sec.ifiseethem*cough* haha hai! hai! I'll probably take up half the report about how amazing they look in real life XP

haha i hope if it does i'm not buying!!! >.< maybe XP
nope sooner i'm leaving on May 29th, it's only a month and a half away! so soon!!!

O.O that's a lot of claims, ah i just space out my claims so it seems like i have a lot but i don't XD. but...but...blogcrews are good for you!!! in what way? ah if i go to china i can't claim!!! T_T oh well ...... *sulks in corner*


ynaoblivious April 20 2008, 16:51:12 UTC
Yes! I wish they'd come over to Hawaii and the Philippines for a concert! *dangles tropical climate and beaches galore in front of the JE boys* XD

lol! XD I think I'd probably take a video...hopefully I could do that secretly >.< And if I did see them, I'd probably be spazzing all over the place and I'd need a day or a week or a month! to calm down enough to write a halfway coherent report XD

lol! gambare!!! and I hope you don't run out of money because of all that stuff!!!
Wow, that's pretty soon! I just realized that I'll be back in school by then... >.<

Yup, I didn't even realize it! So I'm trying to cut back on my claims TRYING being the operative word! XD
How long are you gonna stay in China? Well, I hope you have a lot of fun to make up for not being able to claim! ^_^ maybe some JE goods therapy will help...? ;p

kyaaaa, I reaaaaaaallly want to buy KAT-TUN's new single somehow! The LE with Uebo-hime's solo, especially!!! and I also want Jin's because I like his singing voice!!! but did you see the covers?!?! they're so ( ... )


fujaya April 23 2008, 07:36:43 UTC
XDD yea if only they would come and play their concerts that way we can see them in person!!! (and not have to go all the way to Japan XP )

Me too, I would probably have the urge to buy the concert DVD if it comes out anyways, My money! -_-
I would probably write incoherent words for have the report and the other half would be about how amazing it was to see them in person and start fangirling all over again XDD

I hope so too cuz i hav to buy my friends presents for their birthday too since their b-day is during summer too.
ah I have school one week after i get back then 4 days after i get back is my birthday! >.< thank god school doesn't start on my birthday.

haha that's pretty hard to do I should know XPP um maybe around two months, Thanks i hope I can still claim some when i get back if i get to buy a ton of JE things it is worth it :]

ahhhh me too!!!! it's not that expensive but i need money!!! T_T Yes the covers are! but at least it's better than the cover for lips (no offense here :X) it gave me nightmares O.O hmm ( ... )


ynaoblivious April 23 2008, 11:01:20 UTC
yesss!!! and they will spend money for travel, not us! ;p

Ah yes, Johnny is such a thief!!! good businessman, he makes us want to buy just about EVERYTHING that comes out! >.<
Yes! 3/4 of the entry would probably be incoherent fangirling! :D

wow, all of your birthdays are close together? that's a LOT of presents you all have to buy! XD Oooh, happy birthday in advance! :D

whoa, 2months?! that's a long time! yessss, JE stuff beats claiming! >.< so I hope you do find a lot of JE stuff to make up for it!!! ^_^

Yes, I know, I want to buy soooo much stuff and if you total everything it's waaaay more than I want to spend! >.< Oh oh oh! did you see the news that KAT-TUN is releasing another album as well?! :O Johnny-san is so mean!!! He wants to get all our money!!!Hmmm, I don't know which one I like better, but I didn't really like either singles' covers (LIPS and Don't U Ever Stop)... I think the cover designer must be male to lose inspiration when it's KAT-TUN!!!! XD Oh! did you hear the rip of "Don't U Ever Stop"? It's good! I'm ( ... )


fujaya April 27 2008, 06:42:36 UTC
This way we can spend the extra money one JE goods (>.<)

He sure loves money he stole most of mines already!!

Yup I have a lot of friends born in July, 3 of my friends who are triplets have the same b-day as me!!! Thank you! XD When is your birthday? :]

Me too hopefully during that time i can come home with suitcases of JE good (well maybe not literally XP )

But it's not our fault! well not entirely >.>
ooh yes i did, i really want the album! but i seriously wonder why it's called "Queen" instead of "King"
Definately male
Well I like Don't U Ever Stop's cover better, lips don't glow....ah i want to buy it too but i'll just wait until someone uploads it, i guess T_T

haha i wonder if i'll get sick of Don't U Ever Stop, i'm playing it so much my mother is starting to get annoyed XDD


Gomenasai for the late reply!!! ynaoblivious May 6 2008, 18:48:51 UTC
Ack, gomenasai!!! I'm like a week late! *hides* I don't even understand why I didn't check my inbox for a week...*headdeskbang*

Oh, of course! more money on goods, less on travel! and more into Johnny's poocket...*sigh* shouganai desu yo...
Oh, yes, and he knows just how to bait the fangirls to unwillingly part with their cash!

Aha! my best friend's birthday is also in July! and Jin's and Shige's, they're her two fave JE boys... XD and Massu's as well
My birthday is in October (Same month as Uebo-hime!!!!) and so far I've only met person who shares my birthday, though I know a LOT of people whose bdays are around mine!

Mmm, I'd LOVE to literally come home with suitcases of JE stuff!!! though I suspect my parents will kill me and demand I sell it all or something ;____;

Yessss, I wonder too!!! Why "Queen"?! Uh-oh, I hope they're not trying to tell us something...!!!!! O.o and besides, Uebo's a princess, not a queen *bricked*
*sigh* yes, I will restrain myself and wait impatiently for someone to upload the album and all the extra ( ... )


Re: Gomenasai for the late reply!!! fujaya May 10 2008, 21:03:11 UTC
It's ok I'll probably be replying late too, it's almost the end of the school year so we were given a ton of projects T_T

lol I should start finding a job soon .... getting broke.
but Johnny goods are thing we MUST have! or not XDD

haha it's funny how we can find so much people whose birthdays are around ours :]

yes i would too and my mother would probably be yelling at me for a week for buying so much.....hmmm maybe i can sneak it in to the house with out her knowing (>.<)

*gasp* Maybe they are!! O.O but that is true, hmm maybe a fairy princess *gets bricked too*
Yes me too though i highly doubt i will restrain myself if the album is shoved into my face XP
When is the album coming out again I forgot, I have short term memory and apparently my friends do too XD We were talking about relationships then my mom came to give me water and when she went away all of us forgot what we were talking about XDD

Eep no I haven't!! T_T I have got to download it!!


Re: Gomenasai for the late reply!!! ynaoblivious May 15 2008, 16:17:03 UTC
ah, sou...gambare! I'll be going back to school in a week, and I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get on the internet, so...hmm... ;_; plus, my laptop's in for repairs right now, and I'm just hoping that it'll get fixed in time for me to bring it!!!

ah, I'm looking forward to having an allowance again! No allowance for summer ;_;
yes! and I'll get my copies of Wahaha and SIGNAL when I get to school~!!! :D (a schoolmate of mine went to Japan and I asked him to buy me JE stuff! I asked for a LOT but those were the only ones he was able to buy ;_; )

well, it's SOMEONE's birthday every single day! XD

ah, then pretend it was already there when you got home? XD but if it's a LOT, hmmmm.... >.<

I hope they'll explain why in the world it's QUEEN of pirates and not KING. and it better be good!!! XD and yes, maybe a fairy princess, he sees fairies, after all *bricked again*
Sou desu ne...maybe it's a good thing we don't live in Japan! This way we don't get the albums and singles shoved in our faces! except on LJ and other internet sites ( ... )


Re: Gomenasai for the late reply!!! fujaya May 18 2008, 22:32:33 UTC
ah i'm gonna be gone in a week and a half O.O nnoooo then i can't talk to you over summer!!! T_T I'll make it um somehow when i come back okies?

ah lucky!! I'm probably going to have to hope i can buy JE things

lol yes it is :]

ah maybe i'll hide some all over the house and hope my mom doesn't find them *.*

um pretty boys use QUEEN? *gets tomatoes thrown at*
lol yes that is a good thing but then again if we see them on the internet we will buy in online that's still not a good thing
lol I knew it was June but i forgot the date too but now i know! ^_^
lol short attention span. Girls have a lot to talk about so i guess it's normal to forget things ( >.< )
ahahaha that's funny
yes i have it's so sweet but so long! 6 minutes! *gets hit on the head by tat-chan* omg yes *nods furiously* it's so hot! I LOVE IT *starts spazzing* XDDDD


Re: Gomenasai for the late reply!!! ynaoblivious June 3 2008, 12:03:09 UTC
oops, gomen for the even later reply! School has started for me, and I typed a reply before, but apparently it wasn't posted here...are you back already?

oooh, I today's the release of Queen of Pirates!!! (my friend who was in Japan says that it comes out in stores the day before the announced release date...) I think I want the LE!!! someone has to stop me from emptying my bank account to buy JE goods! XD
lol, well, they ARE pretty!!! well, maybe except for Koki? No one can tell me that the definition of "pretty" includes Koki *hides* he's too tough to be "pretty"
YEssss!!! Like right now I'm on yesasia.com, darnit...I guess it's a good thing I don't have a credit card, or else I'd max it out buying JE stuff!!! >.>

lol yes, lots and lots of stuff to talk about! which boys totally do not understand!

Gaaaaah, I love Ai no Hana! but I think I still love "Love in Snow" more XD Tat-chan~!!! Sugoi~!!! <3333 ( ... )


Re: Gomenasai for the late reply!!! fujaya July 8 2008, 06:55:39 UTC
YES FINALLY I'M BACK!!!! now i have to catch up to all the things i missed T_T

So how was your June? ^_^

I'm sorry but i couldn't resist and bought the CD!!! m(_ _)m now i want to order some of KAT-TUN concert goods!!!! my money!!!!!
it's really pretty! you know the cover booklet that has the lyrics? it has some pictures of KAT-TUN in their outfit but they look like figure dolls O.o very shiny too.
i wouldn't blame you if u bought it the songs are great (>.<)
it took one month for it to be shipped to hawaii.
they didn't have the LE ver. T_T
hopefully someone uploads the LE ver so we can see it!

yea koki has a "tough" look but when he dressed up for "Pinky" he looked pretty right? *gets kicked*

ah did u hear tat-chan is going to have a solo concert! i want to go so bad!!!! XDDD


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