HELLSING PLOTTING POSTHere is the plotting post for all things Hellsing related in Bete Noire! There will be a new thread for each week to keep things organized. Feel free to discuss anything relevant to Hellsing, whether it's a post on the IC or OOC comms you think Hellsing would bother investigating, it's some plot idea you have for Hellsing to
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-WATCH OUT FOR OWEN: Characters themselves might not be aware, but for the past week one of their bosses, Owen, the dead one, regained the sense of touch and was running around doing whatever he could to take advantage of that. Last night, the feeling went away again, and because of that fact, Owen's not in the best of places right now. He'll be pretty extra prickly and unfriendly this week, and that should be noticeable, in case your character's looking to talk to administration and/or complain to Ianto about it, haha.
-WELCOME DRACO: Hey everyone, guess what? We've acquired a new recruit, Draco Malfoy, a snarky 18-year-old wizard. He's just interviewed today, but is going to be in as soon as possible to join Owen and everyone on the Clerical tract of Hellsing. He's basically going to be our very own resident Potions Master. Even if you have a history with the ( ... )
that's what's so crazy
oh lord
Other than that? Hell if I know. /helpful
He.... should probably un-emo himself long enough to send her a message regarding it. And we can log them working on it, if you'd like. :3
Hell if I know what actually goes in a dermal regenerator, so there will be lots of glossing over from me as well. XD
And yes, he's not going to be impatient, but he is extremely strung out over mirror!Uhura showing up, so. Snapping is a possibility.
For the first little while - or probably longer - he'll probably be found either doing his job or being bothered by Zero. Draco being Draco, he'll probably be pitching himself into it headfirst because, for once, he is useful. He also probably won't be much more impatient than usual, though possibly a bit antsy.
Just for a "Oh. We've met" kind of thing, lol.
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