Books Without Borders

Sep 11, 2008 19:27

An essay by yours truly, Jack D. Ripper, now appearing at:

bookstores, book trade, publishing

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Comments 4

trollpete September 12 2008, 00:41:50 UTC
Well said, again -- we can never hear that message too often. "We" being the lovers of books, that is ( ... )


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Re: The big chains wrecked a small press distributorship frostokovich September 12 2008, 13:35:51 UTC
Yeah, like the Home Despots and the other megaliths, you can only hope that there are a few sprigs of indie shop left to take root when the dinosaurs collapse. The book behemoths did such a good job of eradicating the competition, it'll be a long time, I fear, before lots of local indies turn up to fill in the space.

Every time I see some bold entrepreneur opening the 9000th pizza joint in a 5 block radius, I want to tell him, "Hey, open a book store. There AREN'T any of those around, and folks need something to read while they're eating your competition's calzone." Pizza parlors and dry cleaners...where are these people coming from?



defenestr8or September 13 2008, 04:29:48 UTC
Well, I voted with my wallet tonight at Chesco's. Their F&SF section is better than anything I've seen at a Borders or B&N. They also pick up any slack with their sales of music, DVDs, food, and tchotchkes, though.


Voting frostokovich September 13 2008, 14:32:24 UTC
...that is the only way to affect these bozos. It's all commerce, the lack of which will simply hurry up their demise. Once upon a time, when Borders was a family-owned business, they were pretty good. But that time's long gone.



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