Books Without Borders

Sep 11, 2008 19:27

An essay by yours truly, Jack D. Ripper, now appearing at:

bookstores, book trade, publishing

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trollpete September 12 2008, 00:41:50 UTC
Well said, again -- we can never hear that message too often. "We" being the lovers of books, that is.

What I find interesting about Borders' not stocking of certain books is that to the best of my knowledge, they're not even offering certain books as special order or available in their kiosk/catalogue things. As a small press publisher, I've put out about ten books now, over the course of 5 years or so. The first three or four went right into Borders' catalogue, though not on their shelves (the dreaded POD small press, oh noes!) because the books are distributed by Ingram.

But I've wandered into the stores and looked and the last several titles aren't even showing in the kiosk -- and really, are they saving that much by not listing them? Cutting out a couple data entry guys salaries, maybe? I know it's not just a POD thing, because the books are standard discount, returnable, etc. B&N and especially the indies will usually order in a couple copies if I ask them.

Incidentally, the box stores in Canada, the Chapters/Indigo chain, are moving toward that stationary and gifts taking up floor space model as well.


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