6 Farscape (+7 extras + 1 ~tumblr graphic) 30 Doctor Who 12 Battlestar Galactica 9 Les Misérables 2 Brokeback Mountain 1 Star Trek TOS 1 Harry Potter
The first thing here is my farscape_20in20 entry, this round was an inpiration mini bang, so this consists of one tutorial (10pts), one Tumblr graphic (except it's in LJ so it's not really a 'tumblr graphic', and it's crappy cause I've never done these things before but I really quite liked the experience; so much room but not too much to be overwhelming! Anyway I get 4pts for that), and the rest is 6 icons (6x1pt = 6pts) so it all adds up to the required 20.
Battlestar Galactica (I'm so behind with this challenge ;__; It's still awesome though so I'll do my best to catch up!)
Les Misérables
Misc (Brokeback Mountain x2, Star Trek, HP)
Take any you want, credit appreciated but not required, don't hotlink, and most importantly - I'd be really delighted if you'd let me know if you like something here! :>