Binge reading

Aug 06, 2006 09:40

I am a binge reader. I have read that way all my life. I have an eclectic taste, but I never mix my food nor my reading material. My German grandmother use to tell me that it was the Norwegian heritage in me that caused me to eat one food at a time on my plate. I wonder if that applies to books as well ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

Mary Stewart, do you remember? hwimsey August 7 2006, 03:38:34 UTC
Fabulous thoughts ran thru my head reading your entry. Earliest books were C.S. Lewis (fantasy, even back then) then all of Mary Stewart's (mystery romance)Then wham, hit in the head with a mackerel, Jane Austen came along. Obsessed to the point of professional help over her. Like you, the classics-- from English to French to Russian literature. Plus Poe and all things dark. Loved H.P. Lovecraft and had a "The Stand" fixation with Stephen King. P.D. James slipped in sometime. Then in college fell in love with Dorothy Sayers - the best detective novelist ever imho ( ... )


Re: Mary Stewart, do you remember? fritz42 August 7 2006, 12:17:38 UTC
When did I first read HP? I needed a book to read for about 2 hours at the arena while I was waiting for my daughter's figure skating lessons to get over. I was hooked by the end of the first page. In two days, I had read the first three books, and had to wait forever for the fourth book to come out. (I think that was the time where they were working on the first movie, so JKR was helping out on that.) By the time the 5th book was out, I was buying two copies so that both daughter and I could have our own and neither had to wait to read the book. Our house has three complete sets of HP books, and I am thinking of buying the UK Children's books after the 7th one comes out. :-) Hey, there is nothing wrong with collecting HP books, right?


ofmythandlegend August 7 2006, 10:13:31 UTC
Lol, yeah I've so addicted you to voyager, haven't I?

go me :D


On dial up, or i'd write a meaningful entry ;)



fritz42 August 7 2006, 12:10:06 UTC
Yeah, I am history. I think I need a 12-step program. :-)

Actually, these stories are giving me such warm fuzzies. It makes up for when 7 of 9 entered the picture. (Enough of the 7 of 9, Tammy! Just let it go!)


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