Vital Statistics Preferred Name : Thren, Thrennish, hey you, etc. Age : 30 Gender : female Location : Ottawa, Ontario
Fringe Fandom Fun How long have you been into the show? : Hardcore? Since the start of this season. How long have you been into the fandom? : About the same. Favorite Character : Has to be Peter, but with Walter getting his share of the loving. I relate to Peter a lot on the parent-caretaker side of things. Favorite Episode : I kind of love them all. If forced to choose, I'd say Bad Dreams. Do you 'ship? Who/who? : Eh, don't really ship. Really love Peter and Olivia's relationship and all its interesting dynamics, but romance doesn't have to be a part of it. I'm rather ambivalent about the matter. The things I do for Fringe (aka contributions to the fandom) : I improve it by merely being a member?
General Joural Stuff Other fandom(s) of the moment (active member) : Smallville, sort of. Iron Man (movies), NCIS, thinking about dipping my toe into Castle fandom. Also fluent in these fandom flailings (past loves and
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Vital Statistics Preferred Name : Jamie Age : 19 Gender : Female Location : Ohio
Fringe Fandom Fun How long have you been into the show? : Since it started :'D How long have you been into the fandom? : I think I watched this community a couple of episodes into the first season. Favorite Character : Walter! Favorite Episode : I don't know lmao ;3; Do you 'ship? Who/who? : Peter/Astrid hurr durr BUT I prefer the happy family thing over any ships. The things I do for Fringe (aka contributions to the fandom) : I've made icons before? I suck.
General Joural Stuff Other fandom(s) of the moment : Bones, Type moon, Pokemon, Touhou Project, Darker than Black, When the Cry, other cool stuff. What a peep will most likely find on your journal : A mix of fandom and irl stuff Spoiler policy : lj cuts are really nifty they make you less of a dick Your journal = locked-up-tight, filtered-to-a-fine-degree, or letting-it-all-hang-out : Most stuff is flocked... is that what you mean :/
Personality Profiling Most exciting color you've ever painted
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Vital Statistics Preferred Name : Kristy Age : 30 Gender : Female Location : WA, USA
Fringe Fandom Fun How long have you been into the show? : Since the beginning How long have you been into the fandom? : Since the end of season 1 Favorite Character : This is a tougie, I like the band all together but if I had to pick then probably Olivia. Favorite Episode : Another tough one. Jacksonville or Brown Betty. I can't help it, I'm a sucker for a bit of song and dance. Do you 'ship? Who/who? : Peter/Olivia The things I do for Fringe (aka contributions to the fandom) : Mostly a lurker for Fringe right now but I make icons, vids and occasionally write fics. Been looking for more active Fringe fans.
General Joural Stuff Other fandom(s) of the moment (active member) : I have major love for Doctor Who (though I'm not so happy with the current season), Bones, V, Big Bang Theory, Lost, Medium, Caprica. Also a lifer for Star Wars (OT) and Star Trek (especially DS9 & TNG). Also fluent in these fandom flailings (past loves and passive viewing
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Vital Statistics Preferred Name : Max Age : 32 Gender : female Location : Toronto, Canada
Fringe Fandom Fun How long have you been into the show? : Since last summer, I believe. How long have you been into the fandom? : I'm really just getting into it, actually. I've been watching a few comms for a while, but I only just wrote my first fic (not posted yet). Favorite Character : Walter. Astrid's a close second. Favorite Episode : Ability. Do you 'ship? Who/who? : Liv/Sam. Walter/Astrid. Walter/Peter. The things I do for Fringe (aka contributions to the fandom) : Like I said, I only just wrote my first fic. Today, actually. During the ridiculously long hiatus between Jacksonville and Peter, I did a Fringe rewatch blog; I watched an episode everyday and did a little picspam of each that included my thoughts and theories, if any. I can't say it was terribly insightful, but it kept me busy while I was waiting for the show to come back. Otherwise I woulda run rampant on the streets or something.
General Joural Stuff Other fandom(s) of the
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Oh, and I used to love The X Files and ST: The Next Gen. And about spoilers, I do appreciate new spoilers to go behind cuts, just like I do in my journal. Although, if the episode is a few weeks old, I won't freak out if I'm spoiled. It's my fault if I waited so long to watch it. Then again, there are people in other countries who don't get the episodes for weeks unless they download them, which is why I usually just put everything behind a cut no matter what just to be safe.
Oooh, I'd like to read a new rewatch post! I started my own rewatch a few weeks ago when I got my BF to try out the show. You seem very interesting. I kind of like the idea of having someone with such neat takes on ships on my list (though I don't generally read m/m, I do love me some porn).
Okay! :D I too really like Secret Diary of a Call Girl, and I absolutely love Dexter. Totally forgot to mention that, heh.
The rewatch blog posts begin here with the pilot episode, and all the posts should be under the tag frb (for Fringe Rewatch Blog). I started out doing one post per episode, then switched to three episodes per post so I wouldn't annoy my flist by posting every single day, heh. Not many Fringies on my flist at the moment.
Comments 201
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I love Jacksonville and the finale. They're my favorites!
My journal tends to be mostly RL stuff too with occasional squee(!!)ing about my favorite TV show which just happens to be Fringe these days. :)
Preferred Name : Thren, Thrennish, hey you, etc.
Age : 30
Gender : female
Location : Ottawa, Ontario
Fringe Fandom Fun
How long have you been into the show? : Hardcore? Since the start of this season.
How long have you been into the fandom? : About the same.
Favorite Character : Has to be Peter, but with Walter getting his share of the loving. I relate to Peter a lot on the parent-caretaker side of things.
Favorite Episode : I kind of love them all. If forced to choose, I'd say Bad Dreams.
Do you 'ship? Who/who? : Eh, don't really ship. Really love Peter and Olivia's relationship and all its interesting dynamics, but romance doesn't have to be a part of it. I'm rather ambivalent about the matter.
The things I do for Fringe (aka contributions to the fandom) : I improve it by merely being a member?
General Joural Stuff
Other fandom(s) of the moment (active member) : Smallville, sort of. Iron Man (movies), NCIS, thinking about dipping my toe into Castle fandom.
Also fluent in these fandom flailings (past loves and ( ... )
I saw this and literally LOL'd. I so totally understand the sentiment. :)
Also, we have Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Grey's Anatomy and Iron Man in common. Friends? =)
Preferred Name : Jamie
Age : 19
Gender : Female
Location : Ohio
Fringe Fandom Fun
How long have you been into the show? : Since it started :'D
How long have you been into the fandom? : I think I watched this community a couple of episodes into the first season.
Favorite Character : Walter!
Favorite Episode : I don't know lmao ;3;
Do you 'ship? Who/who? : Peter/Astrid hurr durr BUT I prefer the happy family thing over any ships.
The things I do for Fringe (aka contributions to the fandom) : I've made icons before? I suck.
General Joural Stuff
Other fandom(s) of the moment : Bones, Type moon, Pokemon, Touhou Project, Darker than Black, When the Cry, other cool stuff.
What a peep will most likely find on your journal : A mix of fandom and irl stuff
Spoiler policy : lj cuts are really nifty they make you less of a dick
Your journal = locked-up-tight, filtered-to-a-fine-degree, or letting-it-all-hang-out : Most stuff is flocked... is that what you mean :/
Personality Profiling
Most exciting color you've ever painted ( ... )
Preferred Name : Kristy
Age : 30
Gender : Female
Location : WA, USA
Fringe Fandom Fun
How long have you been into the show? : Since the beginning
How long have you been into the fandom? : Since the end of season 1
Favorite Character : This is a tougie, I like the band all together but if I had to pick then probably Olivia.
Favorite Episode : Another tough one. Jacksonville or Brown Betty. I can't help it, I'm a sucker for a bit of song and dance.
Do you 'ship? Who/who? : Peter/Olivia
The things I do for Fringe (aka contributions to the fandom) : Mostly a lurker for Fringe right now but I make icons, vids and occasionally write fics. Been looking for more active Fringe fans.
General Joural Stuff
Other fandom(s) of the moment (active member) : I have major love for Doctor Who (though I'm not so happy with the current season), Bones, V, Big Bang Theory, Lost, Medium, Caprica. Also a lifer for Star Wars (OT) and Star Trek (especially DS9 & TNG).
Also fluent in these fandom flailings (past loves and passive viewing ( ... )
Preferred Name : Max
Age : 32
Gender : female
Location : Toronto, Canada
Fringe Fandom Fun
How long have you been into the show? : Since last summer, I believe.
How long have you been into the fandom? : I'm really just getting into it, actually. I've been watching a few comms for a while, but I only just wrote my first fic (not posted yet).
Favorite Character : Walter. Astrid's a close second.
Favorite Episode : Ability.
Do you 'ship? Who/who? : Liv/Sam. Walter/Astrid. Walter/Peter.
The things I do for Fringe (aka contributions to the fandom) : Like I said, I only just wrote my first fic. Today, actually. During the ridiculously long hiatus between Jacksonville and Peter, I did a Fringe rewatch blog; I watched an episode everyday and did a little picspam of each that included my thoughts and theories, if any. I can't say it was terribly insightful, but it kept me busy while I was waiting for the show to come back. Otherwise I woulda run rampant on the streets or something.
General Joural Stuff
Other fandom(s) of the ( ... )
The rewatch blog posts begin here with the pilot episode, and all the posts should be under the tag frb (for Fringe Rewatch Blog). I started out doing one post per episode, then switched to three episodes per post so I wouldn't annoy my flist by posting every single day, heh. Not many Fringies on my flist at the moment.
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