Michelle Dawson has an excellent essay at http://www.sentex.net/~nexus23/naa_aba.html for anyone interested noting various ethical problems with ABA along with the so-called "clinically proven" status. Rather eye-opening. Lovaas was not such a nice fellow.
I have bookmarked the blog example of BADD. I've seen BADD entries before but never figured what they were for! [It's the brain damage thing. meh.]. Is it only once a year?
Belated response: yes BADD is annual. For those of us attached to the academic year, BADD's timing isn't ideal so I'm going to urge people in friendly_crips to prepare BADD contributions during the spring (N hemisphere) or autumn (S hemisphere).
Comments 6
Michelle Dawson has an excellent essay at http://www.sentex.net/~nexus23/naa_aba.html for anyone interested noting various ethical problems with ABA along with the so-called "clinically proven" status. Rather eye-opening. Lovaas was not such a nice fellow.
Those of us living seasonally might choose to submit our contribs for 2016 well in advance.
I hope you'll say something on BADD. Your voice is worth hearing. Btw ablism, disablism and various spellings of those words all mean the same thing.
I have bookmarked the blog example of BADD. I've seen BADD entries before but never figured what they were for! [It's the brain damage thing. meh.]. Is it only once a year?
Again, great community of folks.
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