A shoutout to
sammason and you folks at
friendly_crips for teaching me what the word ableism means. I've been around that term for years but never grokked it until now.
Three items of possible interest:
1. If any autistic folks are reading this, there is a campaign going on against Autism Speaks which involves making a video of yourself reading some words. I will link you to it. The campaign also encourages non-verbal folks to participate. I don't do vids so I'm out. Here is the You Tube url:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP-_SMiKw7U . It was published on July 10th but I just found it today. Click the word "more" and you will see the transcript to read if you are interested. The campaign respectfully asks neurotypical non-autistic allies not to do a vid.
2. I also found a cool blog written by a woman from the UK over at:
http://thefamilyvoyage.blogspot.com/ . She has three sons-- one of whom is autistic-- and a newer husband. They got married in Belfast. I like her writing and she is also on Twitter.
3. This is the website of my favorite activist organization over here in the Untied [spelling mistake on purpose] States:
http://www.adapt.org/ and worth a look-see if anyone is interested. I first met a fellow who was involved in ADAPT at a conference in Pennsylvania. Then I ran into a bunch of ADAPT folks at a museum in Philly. All of us were reading from an anthology that we were featured in. It had to do with being part of the local disability culture.
Thanks to all of you for being you!