Special Agent Ali Sullivan [Original Character]

Jan 23, 2009 15:29

Muse Name: Special Agent Ali Sullivan
Muse LJ: agentsullivan
Fandom: Original Character

Age & Location: 28 / New York City
Occupation: Forensic Analyst with the FBI
Relationship Status: Dating Andrew Connor [paramedically]
Family: Mum, Dad, younger brother (Max), baby daughter (Jamie)
Interests/Hobbies: Work, shopping, nightclubs, dancing, fashion, Starbucks
Favourite food: Ben & Jerrys
Favourite movie: The Associate
Favourite accomplishment: My daughter
Describe yourself in one paragraph: I'm a workaholic and can be a bit of a nerd when it comes to my career. I can be a bitch when I want to be and I'll tell it like it is. You'll know if you piss me off and I don't take kindly to fools. I love my family and friends to absolute pieces and although I really didn't want to be pregnant/a mother, I'm finding now that it's actually the best thing in my whole life that I've ever done.

Any OOC notes: Ali is a non-fandom original character and linked to fellow Special Agent muse, Marcus Fraser (agentfraser). She is dating Andrew Connor [paramedically] but it's a new relationship. She'll talk to anyone and although she professes to be a bitch, she's actually very friendly and approachable.

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[fandom] original character

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