Tim Riggins [Friday Night Lights]

Jan 23, 2009 15:15

Muse Name: Tim Riggins
Muse LJ: texas33forever
Fandom: Friday Night Lights

Age & Location: 18 / Dillon, Texas
Occupation: Footballer, High School student
Relationship status: Single
Family: Mom and Dad, but don't know where the hell they are, and older brother, Billy
Interests/Hobbies: Sex, beer, football
Favourite food: Beer
Favourite movie: The Goonies
Favourite accomplishment: 2006 State Championship with the Panthers
Describe yourself in one paragraph: I dunno, think whatever you like. I spend most of my time drunk, gettin' laid, workin' on my truck, or playin' football so there ain't much to me.

Any OOC notes: Tim is from the Fright Night Lights fandom. He's a pretty simple person but will chat to you if he's approached. His best friend is Jason Street, who is itwontstopme in muse land and he is also attached to Friday Night Lights OC, supermarketsam.

- Reply to me HERE @ my LiveJournal

[fandom] friday night lights

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