Title: Screaming The Pain. Fandom: Supernatural. Pairing: Gen. Spoilers: None. Word Count: 1754. Warning: Major character death... or kind of death...
Sam loves Clay. He likes his smile, likes the way his freckles stand out on his skin in the sun, likes how he pouts when he needs to clean his bedroom, likes every little thing that makes him who he is.
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Title: Glorious. Fandom: Sherlock (BBC). Pairing: Gen. Spoilers: major spoilers for 02x03 "The Reichenbach Fall". Word Count: 281. Note: John's POV during the fall.
At the top of his glory. At the top of this building. And I knew he would fall, [Spoiler (click to open)] like all the admiration the public had had for him. But he would never loose this glory that surrounded him. Even
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Title: I Crave You. Fandom: Supernatural. Pairing: Pre-Wincest? or gen, as you like. Spoilers: End of season 3. Word Count: 249. Note: The smallest thing I've ever written. But I like it. Sam's POV. Warning: Tears, tears, tears. yeah, pretty angsty.
Supernatural Sinners (Destiel, NC-15) Sin, as strange as that can feel, has a taste. I Crave You (Pre-Wincest or gen) I forgot what happened after your death. Screaming The Pain Sam loves Clay. After all, that's his role. That's normal. Because he's the big brother, right?
Sherlock (BBC) Glorious At the top of his glory. At the top of this building. And
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Title: Sinners. Fandom: Supernatural. Pairing: Destiel. NC-15, something like that? Spoilers: None. Word Count: 488.
Sin, as strange as that can feel, has a taste.
[Spoiler (click to open)] A deep and throbbing taste, that hides every other sensation once it has taken control over our body. It's like a piece of dark chocolate melting on Castiel's tongue. A hypnotising bitterness,
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