I wonder...

Apr 21, 2006 12:27

Who's reading this? Who usually reads my LJ entries ? I know this sounds very self-centred...but as I said once, LJ is a kind of mirror.  But I promise, I'll try not to be a diva much...

Actually it's 
Read more... )

lj land

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Comments 65

dawnydiesel April 21 2006, 12:21:53 UTC
I'm here... I read everything and comment rarely. I have less and less time online everyday, it seems.


frenchani April 21 2006, 12:26:08 UTC
Good to know I didn't lose you! Your remark about Midget being a mini-Crichton cracked me up. :- )


elisi April 21 2006, 12:24:06 UTC
This is very interesting (as was your other post) - and I know exactly what you mean. Although I know that a lot of people friended me for my fic (*so* flattering!), so the fact that they don't comment much (or at all - I have several professional lurkers) doesn't bother me all that much.

But it's true that I have those 'talk' to every day and those I wave to once a month...

I really wish I had more time, but RL is (as always) calling me!


frenchani April 21 2006, 12:32:24 UTC
Oh yes the fic-eaters (and I'm one too!)are a special category of "friends" but the feedbacks they leave may give some real connections and start good discussions.

As I said on a comment to so_sharlemaine in my previous post, sometimes it's like people just feast on LJ. Mmmm I feel a vampire analogy coming in! ;- )

How do you know that you have professional lurkers?


elisi April 21 2006, 13:15:06 UTC
How do you know that you have professional lurkers?
Well I know about those who have friended me... ::checks flist::

Lets see... ayavalla, deborahc, elisane, mangosorbet007 and silverwolf242 to name a few. If there are loads who just drop by and never leave a comment I do not know...


syderia April 21 2006, 12:32:35 UTC
Your favourite virtue : loyalty

Your favourite qualities in a man : intelligence, understanding, empathy

Your favourite qualities in a woman : the same

Favourite qualities in friends : loyalty,understanding, curiosity

Main flaw : stubborn.

Favourite occupation : inventing stories

Idea of happiness : Gah... (Sorry, the theme we have in French/Philosophy this year is the pursuit of happiness). I think happiness is contentment with one's life and joy.

Idea of misery : being betrayed

If not yourself , who would you be? the advisor of a King back in the Middle Age

Favourite authors (prose ) : Alexandre Dumas, Emile Zola, Robert Merle

Favourite authors (poetry) : Paul Eluard, Victor Hugo

Favourite heroes in fiction : Edmond Dantès, D'Artagnan, Richard Rahl

How would you like to die : on my own terms

Present state of mind : nervous

For what flaw have you most understanding : losing one's temper

Favourite motto : Math is like love -- a simple idea but it can get complicated


frenchani April 21 2006, 12:46:59 UTC
Thanks for answering the poll.

Ah le stress d'avant concours...Courage!


47_trek_47 April 21 2006, 12:34:18 UTC
I'm notoriously bad about not commenting... it's my greatest source of fandom shame, I must admit. *sighs*


frenchani April 21 2006, 12:43:56 UTC
Hey I didn't expect you to comment this! ;- )

BTW you wouldn't need an idea to write a Githan fic?

I'm asking because yesterday I came across a rerun of BTVS and it was the end of "Life Serial" when Giles was giving Buffy that check and she compared him to her mom and he suggested she could rather use the idea of a "rakish uncle".

Suddenly that "rakish uncle" in Giles' mouth called Ethan to my mind...and then I thought of what I had just thought and realized that if Ethan was the rakish uncle therefore he was in Giles' mouth which led me to interesting visuals!


sweet_lil_rach April 21 2006, 13:15:49 UTC
I do read now and then - I sometimes don't read your film reviews because I either a) haven't seen it yet, or b) don't want someone else's view to taint my own.
I'm very bad at commenting - I don't have much time at the minute. I know it seems like a lame excuse, but when you wake up in the morning and there's 2 whole pages of new entries to go through, it's hard to comment on all or even some of them most of the time! and I don't spend even a 10th of the time online that I used to spend back in Buffy days!

But I do read what you write, even if I don't comment. So I hope that doesn't leave you feeling unloved or whatever - because I love my Chani! *smooch!*


frenchani April 21 2006, 14:49:53 UTC
Oh I know you're rarely on LJ or online anyway...unless you're posting stuff under a filter and I don't see it! ;- )

Not feeling unloved, and not fishing for love either although love is always good and welcome, only voicing some thoughts I've been having for a while about LJ and trying to understand how this works by provoking people!


sweet_lil_rach April 21 2006, 15:59:18 UTC
Hee, surely if it's under a filter, you'd see it? You're on my FL! Unless I missed your name off one of them! Hmmmm ... Le shrug!

I think LJ works differently for different people. Kinda depends on what you and your friends use it for, I guess!

Wow, you have a lot of comments! Well provoked, m'dear! hehe! *hugs!*


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