Sometimes I wonder

May 29, 2006 17:54

What's the point? What's the point in doing this LJ thing again?

I can't tell you how many times I have been about to quit.

Because I had a dream, you know. It was to create a place where we could gather and discuss screen stuff around a virtual cup of tea.  I wanted to use the web in order to hold a salon as Julie de Lespinasse or La marquise du ( Read more... )

lj land

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Comments 48

psubrat May 29 2006, 17:12:39 UTC
Hon, I think you've hit what most of us have gone through at one time or another here. Why are we here? I came here originally to meet other people in the fandom -- to know that there were truly nice people left. I found that. But some days it wasn't enough, ya know? Then I finally decided that I'm here for document my life. If people stay, that's great. If they don't, that's fine too. I just wish I had more time to devote to commenting and posting, but right now my time is very limited. Just know that I still love you and I still read your journal...even if I don't always comment. ::hugs::


frenchani May 29 2006, 18:05:43 UTC
It's the thing, Brat, I am not here for me. So what's left?


so_sharlemaine May 29 2006, 17:28:24 UTC
Well you and I are on the same wavelength today. I've been thinking the same thing. Wondering why and what the fuck.

I guess people are just busy or moving on or something. I think there's a core group of us that will always be here, but the outer ring will come and go.

I'm not feeling the best about LJ today either. I've been pretty pissed off this morning, to tell you the truth. But that's not making things any better, so I don't know. I don't know what to think. But if it helps any, I'm feeling the same way you are.


frenchani May 29 2006, 18:09:21 UTC
Must be hormonal...

I guess we need to find a reason, a purpose to carry on.


rahirah May 29 2006, 17:46:04 UTC
When I post something, it's because I want to talk about something. Sometimes it's frivolous, sometimes it's serious. Most times, it's nothing that someone else hasn't already said somewhere else. But nonetheless, I want to talk about it. It's always wonderful when someone else wants to talk about it with me, but if they don't, they don't ( ... )


frenchani May 29 2006, 18:03:24 UTC
I get that and that's why I said I probably made a mistake and lost my way, because the way LJ works doesn't fit what I had in mind when I started up this journal.

It's a board about movies and tv I wanted to set up.


kazzy_cee May 29 2006, 17:57:48 UTC
I enjoy your posts Laurence, and I don't just mean the memes and the updates about the Jossverse.

It's interesting why you decided to start an Lj. I don't think many people have a 'plan' as such. I started it because I used to keep a journal when I was younger, and this is a nice way of sharing experiences, but also writing down things that I want to remember (which I actually tend to keep private). I'm so much quicker at typing, that I feel at least I'm leaving something of myself as I go through life.... one day perhaps my children and my husband will read it all...?

If you don't feel like posting, I think it's quite reasonable not to do so, and definitely not feel obliged to do so - especially if you are on boards and comment on others Ljs.

*hugs you*


frenchani May 29 2006, 18:25:17 UTC
I don't keep a diary, never did. I don't really think that my experiences are worth sharing. I was mostly interested in discussing movies and tv programms. LJ was easy, easier than to set up a website but I came to the conlusion it didn't fit my plan. I was too ambitious, or simply the format wasn't right for my expectations.

Reading my own words/hearing myself talking about films or series is pointless apart from making me practice English!

If I needed to write for writing I would do it in French.

Maybe tomorrow I'll think that me talking about movies and tv shows is enough to keep going. Today, I don't know.


comava May 29 2006, 18:15:38 UTC
I very much agree with what rahirah said, who put it much better than I could.

I know a lot of people roll their eyes at LJ and write it off as superficial or self-centered, and that usually frusterates me a bit. Or how on that poll of Aurra's, when so many people mentioned how they "unfortunately" had an LJ. LJ isn't a bad thing, it's not something one should feel ashamed of. It can be whatever you want it to be, even though it may not always turn out that way. On the whole, I think it's a good thing, at least I don't think the bad parts outweigh the good. At the very least, you're writing down your thoughts, and I like writing down my thoughts because I'm afraid I might forget them otherwise.

I know this doesn't really tie in to what you're saying. I guess I'm trying to say that because you "failed" in your vision doesn't have to be a reason to quit the LJ project alltogether. I for one, would miss your posts.


frenchani May 29 2006, 18:47:42 UTC
Well, you may remember that I was rather anti-LJ once upon a time. I found it weird because it was the opposite of diaries used to be...personal journal were secret (they even had a lock and a key once upon a time)and suddenly they were online! I thought that LJ was a bit like reality shows or rather was the expresison of the same social tendancy...Above all, I was upset because so many fans left Buffy boards, withdrawing to LJ. I'm still a forum girl rather than a LJ person.

Maybe that's why I'm so sad that I failed in "my vision", in what I tried to turn my LJ into, because if I couldn't make it what I wanted it to be, what is left is something I don't really need. I do understand that many people enjoy LJ for what it is and if it suits your expectations, it's good indeed.

But *I* am frustrated at the moment and the only LJ thing I still really enjoy is to keep in touch with people I don't see anywhere else.

Having said that, I may change my mind and decide that simply posting MY thoughts on a film or a series is worth it.


chrissie_linnit May 29 2006, 22:15:57 UTC
...personal journal were secret (they even had a lock and a key once upon a time)and suddenly they were online! You see, this is where I want to challenge you, pet. As far as I can see, LJ is actually a far more secure way of writing a personal diary than having a locked book in the bedroom. Here on the ether, I am 100% sure that not one single person I am linked to in my physical life is aware of my LJ id, how to access it if they were aware, and what my password is should they actually stumble across my id and ( ... )


frenchani May 30 2006, 10:39:28 UTC
You see, this is where I want to challenge you, pet. As far as I can see, LJ is actually a far more secure way of writing a personal diary than having a locked book in the bedroom.

I never said it wasn't secure, I only said it was not secret, was not meant to be secret. The fact people could come across your journal in RL is irrelevant here, btw I don't want to scare you but LJ is not 100% secure either, LJ can be hijacked and I know someone whose LJ has been found out(by co-workers!), there's always a risk to be discovered by someone-who-isn't-supposed-to-see when you write something down. But it's simply a matter of different purposes I meant to point out ( ... )


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