Collision chapter 10/?

Mar 25, 2013 09:42

Chapter 10

The next day Luke and Reid went about their respective businesses. Luke went to training in the morning, doing some light exercises and running while Reid went to the hospital to check on his patient. Kevin didn’t show any signs of waking up yet, but Reid hadn’t expected him to. It would take at least 2 more days before that would happen. At Reid’s request, Dr. Burke cleared a small office for him so he could do some research, and finish his article for a medical journal. Well, that were the reasons he gave Dr. Burke for needing an office. He kept the other reason to himself. He wanted a private place to meet Luke so they could talk freely and get to know each other better. And if getting to know each other involved some more kissing and groping, Reid was all for that.


During the bus ride from the training field to the hotel, Luke and Mike caught up with each other. There was another press conference scheduled for that afternoon, but Luke was still avoiding the press, much to Mike’s dismay.

“You know I hate these things, Luke.” He whined. “Why don’t you just do it? You’re much better at it than I am.”

Luke just laughed at him. “All the more reason for you to practice, you big baby.” He patted Mike on the shoulder. “Suck it up, Wilson!”

Mike just grunted in response.

“I’m going to take a nap now and go to visit Kevin in the hospital later.” Luke said while he got up and moved to leave the bus.

“Luke, wait!” Mike called out. “Listen, I want to come with you when you go see Kevin. Is that okay?”

Luke hesitated. He didn’t want to keep Mike from seeing Kevin, but he also wanted to see Reid afterwards and having Mike there would seriously complicate things.

“What about the press conference?” He tried to dodge the question.

“I’ll make sure that it won’t take too long, so I can come right after. I’m sure no one will have a problem with that.” Mike replied smoothly.

“Okay then.” Luke could not think of a valid reason for saying no and conceded. “I will be leaving in about an hour, after my nap. Text me when you’re done with the press conference and I’ll meet you there?”

Mike nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you there.” He grabbed his bag, but turned back to Luke again. “Should I…bring anything?”

Luke raised his eyebrows. “Like what?”

“I don’t know- flowers or something? A fruit basket?” Mike replied, insecurity evident in his voice.

Luke laughed. “They’re keeping him in a coma, Mike. I don’t think he needs anything like that. But sure, bring anything you want.” He hit Mike on the chest with the back of his hand. “Very considerate of you, Mr Wilson.” He winked.

He laughed again, pulled up his hoodie to hide himself from the press and got off the bus. The press was waiting for him, yelling out his name to get his attention and pictures were snapped. He hurried inside, said goodbye to the team and went straight to his room.

He felt pretty tired, so he immediately took off his clothes crawled into bed in just his boxers. He smiled to himself; I’m going to see Reid again! And with that happy thought he fell into a peaceful sleep.


Normally Reid didn’t think there weren’t enough hours in a day; he was always busy, always working. But today, the hours just seemed to creep by. He tried to work on his article but couldn’t concentrate on the subject. After he had checked on Kevin more times than he had to and even talked to his parents, he decided to head to the cafeteria to grab something to eat.

While he sat down with a delicious looking sandwich, he pulled out his phone to check for messages. There was one from Marcia. She managed to get him a room for a week in the same hotel as the soccer team and arranged for someone to take his things to his new room.

Reid smiled to himself-that was good news! He sent Marcia a text to thank her and patted himself mentally on the shoulder for being so courteous.

After he devoured the sandwich, which tasted almost as good as the ones he made for himself,

he was just about to get up when his phone buzzed. He settled back into his chair and picked up his phone. When he saw it was a text from Luke, the corners of his lips curved upwards a little. Luke was on his way to the hospital, he would be there in ten minutes.

Reid quickly fired a text back, saying that he now had an office here they could meet. After he told Luke where it was, he closed his phone, got up and hurried towards his office.

He didn’t want Luke to think that he was waiting for him, so he quickly started up his computer to show that he was, in fact, a very, very busy neurosurgeon.

He looked around the office. It was free of knick-knacks and other unnecessary embellishments. There was his desk, his chair, a visitors’ chair, a bookcase, some cabinets and a sofa. There was one window with blinds covering it. It was clean and neat- just the way he liked it. His own apartment wasn’t any different.

A knock on the door shook him out of his thoughts. He moved towards the door and when he opened it, it revealed a nervous-looking, but smiling Luke.

“Hi.” Luke said. He sounded as if he was out of breath. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his jeans and he was rocking on the balls of his feet.

“Hi.” Reid replied. He stepped aside to let Luke into his office. “Come on in.”

Luke looked unsure of what to do. He took a tentative step towards Reid, but then changed his mind and stepped into the room. Reid closed the door behind him and leaned against it, not saying anything.

Luke looked around the office, taking in the few items that were there. Still with his back to Reid, he laughed a little and said “So, this is your office now? Well, at least it’s clean?”

When Reid didn’t answer, he turned around to see Reid still standing there as he leaned against the door, just watching him.

“What?” He laughed nervously.

“Ehm, nothing.” Reid said as he walked towards his desk and sat down in his chair. He gestured towards the visitor’s chair and said “Sit down.”

“Is everything okay?” Luke inquired, feeling as if something was off.

“Yes, everything is fine.” Reid would never admit to it, but he felt a little nervous about seeing Luke. He was way out of his comfort zone here. He had never liked a guy who wasn’t out before, because that was way too complicated. Now, here he was with a closeted world-famous athlete, who he had been crushing on for years. And fuck if he didn’t want to bend him over his desk and fuck him senseless. Show him just how good it can be to be with a man. But since he couldn’t do that, he was unsure of how to act now.

“Okaaaayy” Luke stretched the word out to make clear to Reid that he didn’t believe him.

“Well, how is Kevin?” Luke tried to get Reid to loosen up a little and it worked.

Reid started to relax now that he could talk about something that he knew everything about. He told Luke Kevin was doing just fine and proceeded to explain to him about the surgery he had performed on Kevin. Luke listened intently, watching Reid’s eyes sparkle while he talked. He didn’t understand all of what Reid was saying, but he was just enjoying Reid telling him enthusiastically about his job. It was obvious he was very passionate about it.

He smiled at Reid while he was talking about some sort of special knife, which Luke for the life of him couldn’t remember what the name was or what it was for. Reid stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Luke smiling. “What?” He asked in confusion.

Luke started to laugh. “It’s nothing. It’s nice to hear someone talk so passionately about his job. A job that isn’t soccer, I mean.” He explained. “For many people a job is just a way to make money. For you, it’s obviously your life. Am I right?” He cocked his head and looked at Reid expectantly.

Reid stared at Luke for a moment before admitting Luke was right. “But I assume the same goes for you. I think if you’re going to do something, it doesn’t matter what, you should really go for it and try to be the best you can be. If you’re going to do it halfway, then don’t bother at all because you won’t succeed.”

Luke took in Reid’s words and although he agreed with Reid, he couldn’t help but wonder.

“And do you also live your personal life like that?”

Reid’s answer came quickly. “I live for my job. I don’t have time for a personal life.”

“But there must be people you care about in your life? Family? Friends?”

“Yes, I have family, but I don’t see them very often. They are just as busy as I am.”

“But what do you do when you’re not working then?”

“I eat, I sleep, I watch TV and I go back to work. That’s it. It works for me. I like to keep things simple and uncomplicated.” Reid stated.

“But what about love?” Luke asked, slightly blushing.

“What about it?” Reid faked ignorance, shifting some papers on his desk.

“Well, don’t you want to share your life with someone? Marriage? Kids maybe?”

Reid broke out into laughter. “You’re kidding right?”

“No, I’m not.” Luke said seriously.

“Well, if you knew me a little better, you would know better than to ask those questions.” Reid was done talking about himself. “What about you? Is marriage and kids something you want?”

Luke shifted in his chair, clearly uncomfortable. But he surprised Reid when he answered truthfully. “Yes, I do want that. It just hasn’t happened.”

“And it’s not gonna happen if you stay where you are.” Reid said matter-of-factly.

“What do you mean, stay where I am?” Luke asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

“Oh, come one Luke. In the closet, where else?” Reid grew irritated. “Are you going to keep this up and marry some unfortunate woman? Hide away for the rest of your life? I may not have much of a personal life, but at least I’m not hiding who and what I am. I have no secrets and I don’t play games. So if I had to choose between your life and mine, I know what my choice would be.”

Luke felt the anger rise in his throat. “That’s a really shitty thing to say, Reid. You have no right to judge me, you know nothing about me. Nothing! You don’t know what’s it’s like to live my life, to be watched all the time and followed everywhere I go. And maybe I’m not out and proud like you, but it isn’t as easy for me as it is for you.” Luke stopped abruptly, trying to regain his composure , before continuing in a softer but still sharp voice. “But I have no intention of marrying a woman. I’m not an idiot. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want someone in my life.” Luke was still angry, his eyes blazing and his fists clenched.

Reid hadn’t meant to upset Luke, but wasn’t going to take it back. He had meant what he said, even though it had obviously hurt Luke. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by the sound of Luke’s phone.

Luke reached into his pocket to grab it. He turned away from Reid a little and held the phone up to his ear.

“Hey Mike.” He said.

Reid watched him while he was talking on the phone. Luke was smiling a little as he talked and gesticulated as he gave directions to the person on the phone. It was quite funny to watch.

Luke hung up, buried his phone back in his pocket and stood up. “I got to go- Mike is coming to visit Kevin. I’m meeting him at the back entrance of the hospital.”

Reid stood too. “Mike Wilson?” He asked, even though he didn’t really care. He just didn’t have anything else to say. He didn’t want Luke to leave yet, especially after the sort of fight they just had.

“Yeah, Mike Wilson. You know him?” Luke asked, before hitting himself on the forehead with his flat hand in realization. “Of course you do, being a soccer fan and all. But I have to warn you, he is straight.” He spit back, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Just as straight as you?” Reid sneered.

“Fuck you, Reid! I don’t have to listen to this.” Luke turned quickly, nearly knocking his chair over, and walked briskly to the door.

But Reid was faster, grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. They stood close, facing each other.

“Luke…I- I..” Reid searched for words, but could not find them.

“What?” Luke’s voice was nothing more than a whisper.

Reid didn’t touch Luke, he just stood there looking at him, his eyes raked over his face, taking in the features he knew so well from the pictures in magazines. He heard Luke’s breathing speed up a little and the short, warm puffs of air hit his face.

Luke didn’t know how to react. He felt nervous and a little uncomfortable. He was used to people looking at him, but not like this. Not this close or this intimately and certainly not straight into his soul. He had to fight the urge to move, to step away, to fucking do something. It took all of his self-control to just stand there and let himself really be looked at by Reid. He didn’t know why and he didn’t ask. He just let it happen. Then Reid tilted his head as if he was about to kiss him. He came closer until his lips hovered over Luke’s. But he didn’t kiss him.

Then Luke couldn’t take it anymore, he felt like he might explode from the anticipation and want. He lunged forward, grabbing Reid’s face in his hands, almost knocking Reid off his feet and pressed his open mouth to Reid’s, finding his tongue immediately. Reid’s arms came up around him, one on his back and one slid down towards his ass. Luke kissed him fiercely and with a determination and desperation that had Reid’s head spinning. They kissed and kissed and kissed, their bodies pressed close together, hands roaming and totally lost in each other, their hunger growing with each passing second.

Until Luke’s phone buzzed again.

atwt, lure, collision, :author|artist: fremi08

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