The B-plot held my attention way more than the main one, but I guess that's okay. I actually have a rather complicated relationship with the show - I may write about it someday - but my main problem is that I only like/care about some of the reccuring characters like Tesla or Druitt, but not the regulars.
Aw hell, and here I said I wouldn't get into it... well... never mind now... )
Comments 4
The B-plot held my attention way more than the main one, but I guess that's okay. I actually have a rather complicated relationship with the show - I may write about it someday - but my main problem is that I only like/care about some of the reccuring characters like Tesla or Druitt, but not the regulars.
THERE WAS AN A-PLOTLINE?! LIES! There was only Helen and Nikola and you know it. At least, it's just them when I watch the ep with the FF button.
But seriously. I've always been like that too, liking the villain of the secondary characters better. It's a curse, I think. 'Cause those character either die or are never in the eps, or both.
I like Helen, she's a pretty awesome lady but I feel like the other regulars are holding her back. She needs somebody equally interesting to play opposite her, otherwise I'm just not engaged enough to care.Oh, gee, I have no idea who would be great to play ( ... )
Although, I almost wrote one for Trail of Blood, but that would have been incoherent squeening about getting Tesla back on my screen after so long. I needed a week or two to get back to normal after that.
At least, it's just them when I watch the ep with the FF button.
Heh, I tend to do that too.
Oh, gee, I have no idea who would be great to play opposite her in every ep. *innocent look* Maybe Tesla?
Heh. I would hate to disagree with that, but I'm not sure Tesla would work as a regular, especially if we keep the current setting. He could lose his appeal longterm if he's relegated to less interesting B-plots. I'd hate to see him underused just because his not the focus of an episode. I liked what they did with him this season so far, so I hope they keep it balanced. I realize it's blasemphy so I'll just stop now...
Yeah, I was immensely thrilled by ToB too.
I think the entire Sanctuary dynamic would have to be revamped if Tesla was her costar. He would have to hold a place of power in another organization or something, and/or have an ulterior agenda for working with her. That way he wouldn't wear out his welcome. Honestly, I just wanna see more Tesla/J-Yo, so I might not be too picky.
Sidenote: I've read through The Five discussion at sanctuary_cafe, really interesting stuff indeed.
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