Friends Only!

Mar 25, 2004 19:43

friends only.

Please leave a comment if you'd like to friend me. I will friend you back if I feel we have enough in common

graphics ___wunderkind // sequined_.

♥ Rachael

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Comments 27

anonymous July 24 2004, 11:28:26 UTC
am i allowed to read?u can trust me :)this is mandy just so you know..


rogue_wicket July 26 2004, 16:40:29 UTC
*bottom lip sticks out*
*tears brim*


It's Kelly! seejanedrum November 11 2004, 23:22:19 UTC
Ooh Ooh! Pick me pick me!!!!!!!! Much Love, Kelly :)


(The comment has been removed)

Re: ........ freespirit08 November 12 2004, 21:24:25 UTC
Lol... all I see is a purple face and It's Kelly! Don't worry, LJ goes whacko a lot.


ivy_x3 February 13 2006, 01:49:10 UTC
hi there. i just joined your icon community and i really like your work. would you mind adding me?


freespirit08 March 12 2006, 04:24:27 UTC
I'm sorry it's taken me a while to respond. I'd be glad to add you.


leona_dracontis March 2 2006, 00:19:16 UTC
Um, actually i wanted to ask you something.I was looking through your userpics and i saw a pic of Clémence with glasses.If you don't mind my asking, where did you find that pic? Because i've never seen it before and i've been looking like crazy through all photo agency sites that i know...Thanks ^_^


freespirit08 March 12 2006, 04:23:54 UTC
I'm sorry it's taken me a while to respond. You'd have to ask coupedefeu because she's the person who made it.


leona_dracontis March 12 2006, 04:45:20 UTC
Oh it's okay;) Thank you very much for the reply!


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