Friends Only!

Mar 25, 2004 19:43

friends only.

Please leave a comment if you'd like to friend me. I will friend you back if I feel we have enough in common

graphics ___wunderkind // sequined_.

♥ Rachael

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Comments 27

one_summer March 23 2006, 00:16:34 UTC
hiii :-) add me back? i think we have a lot of the same interests

♥ lyssa grace


freespirit08 March 23 2006, 23:28:09 UTC
Sure, added you.


stephaniealice November 22 2006, 21:41:14 UTC
i found you trhough prettyscibbles &you seem really cool
add me?
ps. i like you layout. ♥♥♥♥ alexis bledel.


freespirit08 November 22 2006, 23:49:32 UTC
Aw, thanks. My layout's actually going to change soon. I've had this one for too long, partially because I've been so busy outside LJ.

Yeah, Rachel's pretty nifty. Sure, I'll add you right away.


kissslow May 5 2007, 15:29:27 UTC
i LOVEEEEEEE your layout

letsfrenchh has gorgeous graphics and i hope you join it!
please reply back if you do<3 thanks!


xxkrissa May 19 2007, 03:17:26 UTC
Hey Racheal! It's Kristine from Forks High. :) Thought, I add you up as a personal friend. :D


freespirit08 May 21 2007, 19:20:34 UTC
Hey! Sure, I'll add you now. =)


beth633 July 6 2007, 04:49:15 UTC
I was wondering if you were interested in letting someone else moderate the emmy_stillness community? I would be willing to do so. Take Care, Beth


freespirit08 July 8 2007, 15:19:04 UTC
Sorry for the delay; I've been out of town. If I'm correct, I think someone else now mod's emmy_stillness. I quite frankly have not kept up tabs about it. You might want to check with _secondthought, heartbehaves, or simplicityicons. Sorry!

♥ Rachael


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