more writing memes

Aug 14, 2011 00:49

Give me a link to one of my fics, and I'll give you details that didn't make it into the fic. Background canon, deleted scenes, or a look into the future. My choice, but if you have a specific question you can ask it in your request.
(from nautisch.)
some of my fics are locked, but if you really want to read something, or if you've read it before and want ( Read more... )

meme, writing

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sergio ramos/jesús navas freefallskyline August 15 2011, 03:24:53 UTC
I think the main reason I never finished this was because the premise was pretty weird, and I couldn't make it work with reality. At first, I wanted to write Jesus as a kind of recluse/agoraphobe-late onset, due to all the people outside his house and not being able to live a private life-because he has severe anxiety in real life. Sergio was supposed to help him break out of his shell and show him that he had nothing to fear, etc. But, because I wanted him to have practically no contact with other people, including family, I couldn't reconcile that with how much he actually loves his family ( ... )


Re: sergio ramos/jesús navas lovelyable August 15 2011, 06:27:29 UTC
uummmmmmmmmmmm okay why are you not writing this??? i would read the fuq out of this and possibly ship them by the end. love the agoraphobia. please write it ;____; botherbotherbother


Re: sergio ramos/jesús navas envoler August 15 2011, 19:11:22 UTC
lsdkfjsldkgj i just cannot with you!! i really love this so far!!


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