As mentioned previously around here, the thing that was in my ankle that has led to all this kerfuffle was an osteoclastoma, or Giant Cell Tumour (GCT) of the bone. ( Continued... )
Hello, sorry for the long wait between now and the last proper post, I'd like to say I've been busy but I think I've just been procrastinating from this, as usual. ( Continued... )
You won't notice much if you read this via Dreamwidth, but I've made it so this blog crossposts to my livejournal automatically. This post is actually a test, so I can make sure it works. Hooray for technology!
Found this on an old entry and thought I'd resurrect it. Probably going into Oslo today to see sights and buy postcards, hurrah.
One of those posts where you can post anything you want to say to me anonymously. Don't forget to log out, obviously. I've also disabled IPs and that sort of thing.