scarves & sweaters & shawls

Feb 20, 2012 15:53

LJ idol week 15: preoccupied

Knit knit knit. Looping peace, yarn swirling through my fingers. I am silence, I am absence...

Not absence, because that would imply that something is missing. Nothing should be missing. I don't miss anyone. All I need is already within my heart. It's easier to never let anyone in. If someone gets too close to my secrets ( Read more... )

knitting, lj idol

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Comments 21

similiesslip February 21 2012, 04:37:42 UTC
::hugs:: (if you will accept them from a stranger.)

I'm glad you found something that helps.

I really identify with this: "It's easier to never let anyone in. If someone gets too close to my secrets, I think of knitting."

However, I just make mental lists of what I have to do or repeat song lyrics in my head. I guess we all have some way to try to cope.

I used to knit. I hope I can learn again someday. There is something satisfying about making something with your hands.

I'm sad you have so much to deal with right now.


frecklestars February 21 2012, 15:19:35 UTC
*return hugs* Of _course_! I'm a huggy person by nature, and stranger-hugs on the interwebs are much less invasive than the sort given in meatspace.

I <3 mental lists! That's the other thing I do if I don't have my knitting with me. Also I run through particular series of memories. After nightmares, the best way to get back to sleep is to run through all my memories of renaissance faires. (Gods, I'm such a geek!)

I hope you learn again someday too. I actually ended up getting taught how to knit by two different people, and only one of the methods really clicked. I've also had two different people try to teach me how to crochet. No luck thus far. FWIW, this website has been indispensable for knitting help. Ya know, if you're interested. :P


whipchick February 21 2012, 16:50:12 UTC
Your command of language here is so beautiful, and you've woven so many lovely layers into a deceptively simple piece. An excellent, and moving read.

(Still want to see your silks stuff! Keep me posted when you've got video :) )


frecklestars February 21 2012, 23:11:14 UTC
Thank you so much! Coming from someone that I see as a masterful writer, I'm extra-flattered.

(And oi, silks - circus has become a giant clusterfuck. First I wasn't flying b/c I was out of town, then I had a new tattoo and didn't want it rubbing up against the silks while it was still fresh, then I was moving, then my semester started, then I got crazy-sick. So it's been...a little over two months. My strengths, they are gone! :( So it may take me a while to get back to you with that video. But I will definitely keep you in mind.)


kickthehobbit February 21 2012, 23:07:14 UTC
I really love this.

Knitting is one of the things I use to help me cope with my PTSD.


frecklestars February 21 2012, 23:08:44 UTC
Good to know I'm not totally alone in using it as a coping mechanism. Some people look at me like I'm nuts when I whip out the knitting during times of high stress. But they take the explanation well enough, so I can't complain.


kickthehobbit February 21 2012, 23:12:34 UTC
It occupies the hands and the mind. It's a perfect coping mechanism. Nothing weird about it. :)


crimsonplum February 22 2012, 03:26:21 UTC
I identify with SO much of this - the knitting, and the other thoughts. You expressed it so well. Hope you're hanging in OK. :)


frecklestars February 27 2012, 02:30:48 UTC
I'll get through. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :P Thanks though.


basric February 22 2012, 08:53:53 UTC
It is good you've found at least temporary respite. Well done.


frecklestars February 27 2012, 02:33:57 UTC


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