Anyone out there?

Jan 11, 2014 18:34

New year, new layout and it feels like maybe some new resurgence of fandom love for me. Now, for anyone that is still around and being active, HAI! HAI! HAI! If we have loved a previous fandom together than chances are I probably still love it but may not be uber active in it.

For peace of mind, fandoms I will ALWAYS love but am not overly active ( Read more... )

about me: likes, fandom: everything

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Comments 14

bodleian January 11 2014, 23:47:22 UTC
Nice to see you. I must admit that I adore Sherlock. I quite like Elementary too but Sherlock is the definite favourite.
Sleepy Hollow is another that I enjoy and I'm waiting to see what happens in Dracula. I will continue to watch it.
I like a lot but these are the favourites right now.


freakykat January 12 2014, 00:10:14 UTC
I have issues with Elementary in what they did with Joan (you know not a surgeon, not a war hero/veteran) and that is my fave character so I haven't really watched it BUT BUT BUT I love both Johnny and Lucy! I know they are doing a great job and probably will watch/catch up some day!

Sherlock, oh god, Sherlock is my love. I cannot say how much I LOVE IT. John is my favorite character AND THIS version of John is my most favorite version EVER. Martin Freeman can do no wrong, okay?!

Oh, Sleepy Hollow is so much fun, isn't it? It's filmed in my town, Wilmington, so I've run into the crew and into the actors a couple of times while walking around. (Now that was before it aired, lol, so I didn't get a chance to squee, I think I will faint when that happens this summer, LOL).

You know, the Dracula promo did absolutely NOTHING for me when saddens me because vampires and Jonathan should have. BUT eh. Glad that you're enjoying it though!


bodleian January 12 2014, 01:37:22 UTC
Dracula hasn't grabbed me as much as Sleepy Hollow but I will continue to watch it.
I agree about Martin Freeman - he is brilliant. I really like Mary too and she really understands the two men. I'm just sorry that there are only a few episodes in each series.


freakykat January 12 2014, 15:59:08 UTC
I have loved Martin for many, many years but nothing prepared me for how amazing he is as John. NOTHING.

I both hate and love the short season. I love it because that means that we get really excellent storytelling because there isn't enough time for bullshit, you know. You got three 90 minute episodes, you better get it DONE. I hate it because we ONLY get three 90 minute episodes! LOL. I ALWAYS WANT MOARRRRR.


cindyls1969 January 11 2014, 23:55:07 UTC
I still love Nuke a much as ever. I still write for them, help run two FB pages about Nuke and Jansis. I also run a Nuke prompt meme on LJ that keeps me happy. I have had other loves but none so true as that. It's gotten me four published novels that were Nuke stories I made original.


freakykat January 12 2014, 00:06:07 UTC
Nuke will forever and always be a true love of mine. I am so happy that you are keeping it going and VERY PROUD of you for doing all you've done!

Feel free to ask me to promote anything you have that needs promoting! MY PLEASURE!


cindyls1969 January 14 2014, 05:27:40 UTC
Thank you, that means a lot. My bunch are very proud to still be Nukies at heart.


dani_blondy January 12 2014, 07:03:33 UTC
Hey Hey we more chat on Tumblr do you mean Orphan Black not Black Orphan? Lol if so I love love LOVE that show it took me a few eps to really really get into but I loved it and give all the awards to Tatiana that gurl is damn amazing.

Yes Almost Human although I don't think it will get a second season it's ratings suck and they way they are airing all the eps out of order *LeSigh*

I more ship that other ATWT Ship but I do still love Nuke too so don't hold that against me :-)


freakykat January 12 2014, 16:01:52 UTC
Orphan Black (and seriously I think I am dyslexic what the hell) is such an effing awesome show. Tatiana deserves ALL of the awards ever, she is amazing.

I actually have no problem with the other pairing, lol. I mean, I never liked them but to be honest I wasn't too keen on Luke toward the end. I more pair Noah and Reid in my head, lol. AND Luke and Noah of course, lol. But I has NO problem respecting any other pairing. :D


misura January 12 2014, 08:35:59 UTC
Still haven't seen the new episode (episodes?) of Sherlock but look forwards to them immensely. I did also enjoy the movies with Robert Downey Jr in them, although I can definitely imagine people feeling they take a few too many liberties with Mr Holmes.

At a (semi-)recent Boxing Day sale, I pigged out big time and got a bunch of new DVDs - Covert Affairs, The Mindy Project, Adventure Time, Haven and Community, so now I'm faced with the dilemma of which to watch first.

Haven't seen either Orphan Black or Agents of SHIELD yet, but have heard the rumor of Peggy Carter getting her own Marvel-ous TV series, and look forwards to that, too. (Um. I don't know if you're into the Marvel movies at all?)


freakykat January 12 2014, 16:08:08 UTC

Since I was like a teeny tiny little kiddie I read comic. (There are 4 boxes of comics under my bed at the moment, lol) SO I LOVE MARVEL. I had not heard about Carter! DUDE.

Orphan Black is seriously so amazing. SO SO SO awesome. AND I grew to REALLY like SHIELD so give that one a go when you get a chance. You purchased some GOOD shows. The Mindy Project and Community are SUPER RIDIC HILARIOUS. Haven is soooo creepy and great. I don't know much about Covert Affairs but Adventure Time is funny too.

I love RDJ and I totally love the movies. They aren't VERY particularly canon, lol, except for the Watson and Holmes relationship BUT they are still so much fun. I always take them as an awesome loose interpretation of Doyle, lol.


misura January 13 2014, 16:28:02 UTC
.... You're not really making it any easier to decide which show to watch first? ;)

Happy to hear I got some good stuff, though - I uh tend to get a bit impulsive sometimes and end up buying DVDs 'because it's got a really hot guy on the cover', or 'because it got four stars from [insert newspaper here]'.

(I lied a bit, two lines - I put in Adventure Time. I suspect I'll now have that opening song stuck in my head for the rest of the week - but I'll be smiling, so it's okay?)


gaeln January 13 2014, 04:50:40 UTC
Sherlock/ John & Merlin, both are just okay by me!!! I look forward to your thoughts on ALL things but especially on these and on personal stuff too, of course :)

And Brian/ Justin always!


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