Anyone out there?

Jan 11, 2014 18:34

New year, new layout and it feels like maybe some new resurgence of fandom love for me. Now, for anyone that is still around and being active, HAI! HAI! HAI! If we have loved a previous fandom together than chances are I probably still love it but may not be uber active in it.

For peace of mind, fandoms I will ALWAYS love but am not overly active in:

ATWT (Nuke) <3
QaF (Brian/Justin) <3
Torchwood (Jack/Ianto) <3
American Idol RPF (Kradam) <3

This does not mean I do not want to hear about them. On the contrary, please let's chat and remember and stuff. I even have some active bunnies in all of those so you know....however...

I have some serious new loves that I've been keeping to other medias but decided EFF THAT I am going to play on LJ cause it is the original fangirl playground.

NEW FANDOMS: (pretty active)

Sherlock -- technically I have been in this fandom since I was a kid AND in the TV fandom since 2010 but consider it new! (John/Sherlock) <3
Sleepy Hollow (everything) <3
The Walking Dead (been here since 2003 y'all! all things Dixon and everything else too) <3
Doctor Who (this is actually an OOOOLD fandom but I have become more than a lurker): currently 11/Clara (past: 10/Rose, Donna, everything 5, Rory) <3
Star Trek (again old fandom since like forever but new excitement): Kirk/Spock in all universes.
Witches of East End (LOVE ME SOME OF THIS!)
Warehouse 13 (again old love but newly excited)


The Social Network (because nerds in love are the best) <3
MARVEL Agents of Shield (growing on me as we speak)
Black Orphan (BBC TV is the best)
Grimm <3
Inception (yes! STILL!)
Merlin ( because tragic love stories are my favorites)

I probably watch other stuff that might get random mention but those are the main ones. Then, there's movies, music and general pop culture. In other words, lots of stupidness that is fun.

So hopefully we can learn to love the new things together and keep on loving the old. Let's chit chat, guys! What is going on? Tell me all!

I shall do a more "me" personal post later if I get more energy to do that. :D

Note: anything with a <3 is a personal favorite.

Note II: Most posts will be friend locked so click friend me if you want to squee.

about me: likes, fandom: everything

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