58th Inning

Dec 04, 2011 12:19

A mysterious man dressed in blue stands upon a streetlamp, perched with a mighty pose, a striking image of inspiration! Mayfield can rest safely, knowing their streets are being patrolled by... BONK BOY!

Wait, no. Bonk MAN. Though that doesn't exactly have a good ring to it. Whatever. We'll work on the name later.

The very obvious unknown ( Read more... )

always full of good ideas, regains ahoy, there goes the neighborhood, bonk!, cpt immaturity strikes again

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Comments 158

[at the streetlamp] flameyedhunter December 4 2011, 17:50:24 UTC
You look pretty stupid. [ Says the girl in a black cloak, from across the street, standing on a roof. ]


freakinblur December 4 2011, 17:52:30 UTC
[He points at her with a bat!] An' you look like someone up ta no good!


flameyedhunter December 4 2011, 18:02:15 UTC
.... What gives you -that- impression? [ Have a pretty annoyed stare, Scoutie. ]


freakinblur December 4 2011, 21:15:35 UTC
That suspicious black cloak! That hardened stare! I'm sure yer plottin' ta take over tha world right now.


Walking down the street kinships December 4 2011, 18:04:33 UTC
[Is this ten year old boy on the way to the game of pretend? Does he even know it's a possibility?


...Yes, he probably does know that, but he should be saved anyway.]


freakinblur December 4 2011, 21:17:41 UTC
[SUDDENLY! A blue blur zips up to Cain and skids to a halt. He interposes himself between Cain and the crosswalk as the car safely passes by, his hand up in a "Stop" pose.]

Halt! That was a close one. Dat guy was drivin' like a maniac!


kinships December 4 2011, 21:34:22 UTC
[...He blinks at this... oddly dressed man holding him up from crossing the street. But it's not hard to cotton on to what he's doing, and so Cain just grins.]

Wow, thanks. What would I have done without your help?


freakinblur December 5 2011, 02:40:17 UTC
No, no, no need ta thank me. All in a days work! Someone's gotta keep this town safe, 'n' I guess it's me.


at the park kerorodearimasu December 4 2011, 18:50:24 UTC
[Keroro is just staring at this whole event from a nearby bench because he just can.]

Seriously what in the Pekopon is this?


freakinblur December 4 2011, 21:19:05 UTC
[Whatever's going on, the kids seem like they're having fun. This is all Scout's way of forgetting what all just happened, and cheering others up too.

He points to Keroro when he spots him sitting there.]

Lookout, kids! There's... some kinda frog villain among us!


1/2 kerorodearimasu December 4 2011, 22:19:39 UTC
[Wait, he didn't sign up for this!

GERO?! You gotta be freaking kidding me!


2/2 kerorodearimasu December 4 2011, 22:20:35 UTC
[ Wait a second. if he could beat that crazy guy leading them, the kids would have to listen to him. Which meant free labor while he could laze about. He stands up on the bench. ]

I mean...GE~GERO GERO. It is I, Sergent Keroro of the Keronian army, de arimasu! Foolish Pekoponians! You should've bowed down to me when you had a chance! Surrender or face the consequences!


bye_to_yer_head December 4 2011, 19:05:47 UTC
*An unsuspecting citizen is walking right into danger! With a donut in one hand and holding a busted tire in the other, Sniper is making his way to the dumpster which is inconveniently a block away from the shop who designed this place? Thoroughly absorbed in munching away at that thing, mmmm maple bar, Sniper is UNAWARE that trouble lurks around every corner!

He could be hit by a car! He could be mugged! Shot! Stabbed! A laser directed at him from the moon could fire at any moment!! Better save him. Just in case.*


freakinblur December 4 2011, 21:20:25 UTC
[Scout leaps down from the nearest rooftop, right next to Sniper.]

Look out! This alley's dark 'n' dangerous! Anyone could be lurkin' in that dumpster!


bye_to_yer_head December 4 2011, 23:57:14 UTC
*This damsel mercenary in distress does not take well to people suddenly appearing right next to him. Even if they are dressed like four year olds. The tire falls to the ground, but the donut is saved, priorities. Not to mention he jumps about 10 feet when he realizes that Scout is RIGHT NEXT TO HIM.*

Strewth! What th' hell are you doin' Scout!

... What... What th' hell are you wearin'?

*He feels like he's had to ask that a lot in Mayfield. First Medic, now Scout. What is WITH this place?*


freakinblur December 5 2011, 02:44:37 UTC
Hey, sup. I'm a superhero 'r somethin' now. I mean, I got all this shit in the mail. [He indicates the mask and gun, and matching Bonk bat.] Seems like they went together, ya know?


[At the Park] puzzlerprince December 4 2011, 19:53:57 UTC
[On the topic of villains, Scout... Question: What could this nefarious King of Conundrums possibly be up to?

Answer: ...apparently nothing, aside from wandering through the park, minding his own business.]


freakinblur December 4 2011, 21:25:44 UTC
[OH THIS IS PERFECT. Scout grins, and suddenly runs up and blocks Edward's path.]

Looks like the villain's finally showed his face! It's the evil Mysterious Eddie, the... um, Question Guy! Who tries ta confuse his enemies with lotsa questions all the damn time!


puzzlerprince December 4 2011, 21:38:38 UTC
[Really, Scout. Really.]

The "Question Guy?" That's the best you could...

What on earth are you wearing?


freakinblur December 5 2011, 02:46:03 UTC
I'm a superhero, duh. C'mon, pally, roll with it.

[He dramatically points to Edward with the bat, then looks over his shoulder at the kids.]

Don't listen to his words, kids. It'll make ya fall asleep! Like in math class!


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