A mysterious man dressed in blue stands upon a streetlamp, perched with a mighty pose, a striking image of inspiration! Mayfield can rest safely, knowing their streets are being patrolled by... BONK BOY!
Wait, no. Bonk MAN. Though that doesn't exactly have a good ring to it. Whatever. We'll work on the name later.
The very obvious unknown figure looks over the town. In one hand,
a bat. In the other,
a pistol. On his face is a
blue, winged mask. Tied around his shoulders is a bed sheet a sweeping blue cape, fluttering in the fall breeze majestically! He scans the scenery looking for trouble, or those in need!
Except, this is Mayfield. Generally, it's pretty quiet. Especially after something like nuclear fallout. NO MATTER. Scout will find it. Or he'll make it up. Having trouble getting your groceries into the car? BONK MAN (yeah let's stick with "Man", thank you) IS THERE! Did your bike chain pop? BONK MAN IS THERE! Or maybe you're just walking down the street minding your own business. BONK MAN IS THERE to... tell you of some kind of danger. Yes. Danger lurks around every corner!
Later, in the park, for the kids in town, Scout Bonk Man will basically have a big game of pretend going on. No, not pretend! Superhero training! Any kids are welcome to join in the fun. Any adult is welcome to as well, especially as the villains - whether they volunteered or not.
[Feel free to jump in at any point! While Scout is patrolling, coming up to you with fake (or real?) danger, or in the park!]