HetaChallenge - Angst Table - #5 Tears

Sep 06, 2011 15:22

Title: You Can Never Cry
Author: freakanature88
Claim: Prussia
Character(s): Prussia
Table/Prompt: Angst/5. Tears
Word Count: 225
Rating: PG (for a swear!)
Summary: Prussia has never let himself cry and he's not about to start now.

They had abandoned him.

The whole world had left him behind. And what was Prussia supposed to do? Cry about it?

"No," he told himself firmly, brushing a hand over his moistened eyes. "I never cry. Crying isn't awesome at all."

But everything had gotten to him so badly today. Not a single soul in the world meeting wanted to listen to what he had to say. The louder he spoke, the less they paid attention to him.

So he had excused himself and taken refuge in the bathroom. "You're stronger than this," he spoke sternly to his reflection. "You can't let the unawesome masses get to you."

The half-hearted pep talk was barely enough to keep him from breaking down completely. Prussia knew it was only a matter of time before he lost what little sanity his still had left because of this.

As he watched his own face, a single tear slipped past his defenses and slid down his pale cheek. He scowled at it.

"That's all you can have!" Swiping the tear away roughly, he gave the mirror a threatening look. "No more, you fucking pussy."

With that, he turned sharply around and stormed out of the bathroom back to the meeting. He would make them listen to him.

Even if it took every ounce of his ever-dwindling strength to do it.

prussia, hetachallenge, hetalia, angst table, fanfiction, writing

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