The Fall - Chapter 2 [Story]

Dec 06, 2010 17:03

Title: The Fall (previously untitled) -- Chapter 2: August 25-26, 2013
Author: Me, freakanature88  
Characters: Giuseppe, Anthony, Emily Watson
Rating: PG for apocalyptic themes
Warnings: End of the world, mass death, and strange new settings
Summary: On December 21, 2012, the world ended with the spread of a toxin. However, not even the end of the world is truly the end of the world. Join the survivors of this disaster on their journey to discover the truth behind what happened and why they are still alive.
Notes: This chapter introduces two new characters! Anthony and Emily!

August 25, 2013

It had been my original intention upon finding this notebook to keep daily logs in the hopes that doing so would help spark my memories, but it seems all the world is against me. I was pulled away from my last entry by a very sick man who then turned into a dozen very sick people, which resulted in half a dozen deaths. I have no idea what the sickness is, but according to what I have read, it is very similar to something that was called pneumonia.

Apparently this disease used to kill before proper medicine was discovered to treat it. With the loss of the knowledge of that medicine, it has begun killing again.

So I have been working constantly every day, trying to find either a new way to cure the disease or what the old way was so that we may use it now. When I am not doing that, I am trying to make the patients as comfortable as I can. It is very trying work, and as a result, I have had no time to write down any of my thoughts.

However, this has brought to my attention a very good idea. I have asked the people around me to start keeping journals. Maybe if more people write down their thoughts constantly, we will have a higher chance of remembering our pasts.

Hopefully before more people have to die because of it.


August 25

The doctor says we should start keeping journals, so here I am. Writing. He says that the more we record, the more we’ll remember. And if we compile our memories, we might be more likely to survive. Or something. I didn’t really understand it, but I do know one thing. Too many people have died already. And more are still dying. I’ll do whatever I can to help, even if I don’t understand it. My name is Anthony. At least it is now. I don’t remember what it was before… whatever it was that happened. I just found the name on some piece of paper somewhere. It sounded right, so I decided to use it. I am in charge of security around here, mainly because I’m large enough to scare most things off. And there are a lot of things. I don’t really know how to describe them except as animals. But not the animals used to know. I’ve seen pictures of those and I even vaguely remember having a dog. These are more base, crazed, and intent on the kill. So I kill them first. They don’t taste good when we eat them, but it’s better than the possibility of starving. Oh, the doctor also told me that I should write down what I remember right now, as a starting point. But I don’t remember much, and nothing specific. I just know that there were people who looked up to me, respected me, and I was responsible for them. They were my family. I wish I could remember their faces. Or even their names. But now the people here are my family and I will do anything I can to protect them. Seven died today, all because of a disease. I can’t fight what I can’t see, but I will keep trying all the same. As the doctor seems sure these journals will help, I’ll keep writing as much as I can. But life is busy, and I probably won’t get the chance to very much.



Emily Watson
August 26, 2013
Dear Mr. Journal,

Mr. Giuseppe told me I should write things down. He has a funny name and I like him. He said I should do this every night like homework. Homework is boring but this looks more fun. It has easy questions too!

1 - What did you do today?

I helped make dinner and it was a lot of fun because Miss Celia is nice like my mommy. And then I took a bath but baths are boring because I don’t have any toys but I like the water anyway because I can splash in it.

2 - What do you remember from before you forgot everything?

I didn’t forget everything! I remember lots and lots. Mr. Giuseppe says it’s because I’m special but he told me to write down everything I remember anyway.

My name is Emily Watson but sometimes my daddy calls me Emmy but I don’t really like it but it’s okay when he does it because I know it’s because he loves me. I’m seven years old and in third grade. My teacher’s name is Mrs. Cleary and she says I’m really good at spelling and storytelling. I’m not very good at math though because it’s weird and I don’t like it. My mommy and daddy love me very much and take me all over the world to places like Italy and Spain and France and they let me bring my teddy bear too. His name is Gopher because I like Gopher from Winnie the Pooh and he is bright blue and has big front teeth like me. I miss him because I lost him when I lost mommy and daddy.

I miss mommy and daddy too but Miss Celia says that they miss me too and want me to be a big girl for them so I’m trying to be but it’s hard because I miss them.

3 - What are you thinking about?

I’m thinking about bed because I’m really tired but I don’t want to go to bed until Miss Celia does. She keeps me safe because she’s magic and bad things won’t come near her! That’s what she told me and I know it’s true because she’s a mommy too and mommys don’t lie.

Mr. Giuseppe just told me that I did a good job and I don’t need to write anymore! But he told me to do it again tomorrow so I will because Mr. Giuseppe is nice. Goodnight, Mr. Journal!

Love Emily

random, the fall, writing

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