Woah there! What is your problem? I know you like to fantasize about us dating but it never happened. And I don't appreciate you spreading rumors, and I also find it completely pathetic that you feel you need to write about me.
My problem? What's your problem? You did all those things, and , stop denying the truth. You did date me, look at the pictures, REMEMBER the relationship. I don't FANTASIZE you. You know what you are-and i'm not going to say it, RUMORS? haha, that's not true. Maybe your fake-ass episode of Lizzie McGuire with that title is true, but, i'm right. Accep that, I need to write about how sorry of a loser you actually are!
What pictures? You mean when we use to hang out a premieres together? And what do you mean Maybe your fake-ass episode of Lizzie McGuire with that title is true, but, i'm right? What the hell is that? God what are you 10? You need to back off.
Hey-I'm not the one with teenage altheimers, You are. We dated, remember? Look @ some of my OLD journal entries. And yeah-Lizzie McGuire had an episode called RUMORS, i thought the star of her own hit crappy, oops! I mean DISNEY show would know. And hello miss 1987, I'm older then you. 1985! Duh-Uh!
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