Woah there! What is your problem? I know you like to fantasize about us dating but it never happened. And I don't appreciate you spreading rumors, and I also find it completely pathetic that you feel you need to write about me.
My problem? What's your problem? You did all those things, and , stop denying the truth. You did date me, look at the pictures, REMEMBER the relationship. I don't FANTASIZE you. You know what you are-and i'm not going to say it, RUMORS? haha, that's not true. Maybe your fake-ass episode of Lizzie McGuire with that title is true, but, i'm right. Accep that, I need to write about how sorry of a loser you actually are!
What pictures? You mean when we use to hang out a premieres together? And what do you mean Maybe your fake-ass episode of Lizzie McGuire with that title is true, but, i'm right? What the hell is that? God what are you 10? You need to back off.
Hey-I'm not the one with teenage altheimers, You are. We dated, remember? Look @ some of my OLD journal entries. And yeah-Lizzie McGuire had an episode called RUMORS, i thought the star of her own hit crappy, oops! I mean DISNEY show would know. And hello miss 1987, I'm older then you. 1985! Duh-Uh!
I'm mature, your the one who chose to reply to my Livejournal entry in the first place. and then I say...And standing up for myself makes me immature? And then you say...I never said that, nor did i IMPLY that. Way to contradict yourself. [Listen this is stupid. I don't know you, Frankie Muniz, or you, the person who is role playing Frankie Muniz on LJ. So if we don't know each other and have never met, then lets stop fighting. This will be my last time commenting because this is really lame. But, I'm sure you'll want to be the last person to make a comment so you can win or whatever. Have fun.]
(Look, you replied to the entry first, starting the fight, i had been brawling with the HD before hand, and no, this isn't lame, frankie and hilary did have a relationship on livejournal beforehand which was synchronised with their real relationship in which hilary used frankie, so frankie doesn't like her anymore, plus i have a friend who was an extra on AGENT CODY BANKS, check my collection out, http://malcolmmiddle.virtue.nu , i've been roleplaying for a long time!, thnx oh yeah, the fighting is I.C, so, good luck...)
Way to contradict yourself.
[Listen this is stupid. I don't know you, Frankie Muniz, or you, the person who is role playing Frankie Muniz on LJ. So if we don't know each other and have never met, then lets stop fighting. This will be my last time commenting because this is really lame. But, I'm sure you'll want to be the last person to make a comment so you can win or whatever. Have fun.]
oh yeah, the fighting is I.C, so, good luck...)
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