mixtape offer

Nov 18, 2010 10:11

If you see this post, welcome chaosmaka \o/

Yes, I have tonnes to do today (in fact, there are 2 3 texts and 2 3 4 e-mails interrupting me while I'm writing this. Urk). But whatever, procrastination is always tempting.

The end of the year is near, and like last year, I want to share something. But since my schedule is packed and I'm (still trying) to tighten my budget, I'm stealing tsuruhime's idea with a bit changes. Hers was a fanfic / fanmix requests; I'll leave out the fanfic requests since I'm owing a bunch of fics to a bunch of people and I'm going to try to finish all of them at the end of the year. Instead, I'm opening...


♦ Tell me as many requests as you want, I'm going to pick three at most.
♦ Feel free to request any fandom that we shared. My fandom can be seen on my intro post. Add your chosen characters and pairings after the fandom if you choose this option. ETA: or shoot me with any original ideas not related to fandom :3
♦ Feel free to prompt me with themes, words, sentences, pictures, or a song. I'll do my best to interpret it. ETA: You can also make me do a soundtrack for your fic, or prompt me with a fic.
♦ It'll consist of 5 - 20 songs, most likely with .jpg / .txt file with covers, lyrics, my thoughts about the songs in the mixtape and why I chose them.
♦ Beware that I have a broad taste of music, some of them weird. Around 5% mainstream music; 30% is non-mainstream music with English language; 25% is in Japanese or other language, including indescribable language; 40% instrumental (classical and soundtracks). I know it's not for everyone, so put your restrictions if you're not really fond of, let's say, songs in Japanese or classical music.
♦ I'm going to put the link to this post into my next posts until mid December. Feel free to request anytime.
♦ The result(s) will be delivered with a link by PM to your livejournal account around mid December to last December. All of the songs chosen will be pooled around 31st December - mid January if I'm late. The compilation will contain a cover, lyrics, and if there's multiple requests, which song it is for; I won't give out the personalized text about why I choose the song in there. If you don't want me to pool it with the other songs, do tell me :)

Copy and fill the form below to request ♥:
Fandom / Prompts:
Other notes:

music, mixtape, gifts

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