I showed more and more errors.
Yesterday, I knocked over a fruit cart with my car, and all of the fruit fell over DDDDDD:
I felt so guilty and panicked and confused and terrified that I don't help the seller to sort out her fruit. The space was limited, the other option to stand was a flimsy looking board with a deep looking gutter below it; I have a fear for heights and oh God I felt frozen on spot. I asked how much I should pay for her fruit, but she just glared, grumbled, and being unpleasant in general with me, which was totally understandable when I think about it (I couldn't think straight when it happened). She ignored my question until she sorted out her fruit (while I'm still flailing inside and not helping at all) and ask for a sum while still being unpleasant. I paid for the ruined fruit, but her other fruits might still be dirty after falling. God I felt so guilty and ashamed. Not to mention that it happened just meters from my home, which meant that a) my neighbours watched it happened, and b) The seller was either my neighbour (I have limited memory and continuously forgotten people's faces and names) or an acquaintance of my neighbour.
I kept feeling guilty about it, especially because that I didn't do much effort to offer her any help aside from paying a sum of money for her fruits. Good God, how stupid I can be? orz One of the person that I talked to about this was also not helping by pointing out more things that I did dumb. kdfkkdjfds
ANYWAY. I'm still open for
mixtape requests for those of you who haven't requested yet :D Also, reminding those of you that have already did, you can still add your request up to three or changed it into something else until mid-December. It doesn't need to be a mix for fandom; it can be a mix about some original themes or ideas :3