my first fanfic!

Sep 19, 2007 00:33


It's the first time I've missed my self-imposed "post on even-numbered days" rule, but it was for a good cause. My OCD-voice is whining that I've ruined the pretty checkerboard pattern on my calendar, but most of me is jumping with joy because

I. Just. Wrote. My. First. Fanfic. Evah.

Yeah. Framefolly can now blow raspberries to the voice that ( Read more... )

fandoms, lj, friends, challenge, creative

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Comments 10

blue_aardvark September 19 2007, 12:32:56 UTC
Wow! You're a very talented writer! Its all the more impressive considering that only the other day you were feeling blue.


framefolly September 19 2007, 19:41:07 UTC
Thank you so much! Coming from another writer, that's high praise indeed :) .

As a first attempt at fiction this was a bit of a cheat since I didn't have to create the characters or universe, and certainly didn't do much in the way of plot :P . But hey -- we all start somewhere, right?

And it was fun :) . Which is key.


kalichan September 19 2007, 14:48:02 UTC
Fic! Spike/Buffy! YAY.

I've never written BtVS but it is not for lack of love, and I'm going to go read yours forthwith.

*dances* congratulations.


framefolly September 19 2007, 19:41:44 UTC
Thank you for commenting both here and there! Fans rock!


enigmaticblues September 19 2007, 20:21:08 UTC
*does the happy dance for you* Isn't that a great feeling? It's just so darn satisfying! Just wait, now that you've caught the bug, you won't be able to stop. ;)

I will have to read it just as soon as I have a moment. Perhaps tonight, if life cooperates.


framefolly September 19 2007, 20:37:45 UTC
You corrupted me ;) . I mean, convinced me that I can afford a new, maybe healthier addiction ;) .

Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday :) . Please no hurry on reading (esp. since I missed my deadline :P), since I think that as with many other activities, timing is important for relaxation, too :) .


Here I Am anonymous September 20 2007, 15:44:11 UTC
So this is a blog. There are many colorful animals. I look forward to reading more! Aaron


Re: Here I Am framefolly September 21 2007, 01:04:50 UTC

And come -- I know you know what a blog is. This is _my_ blog.

Some older posts refer to people you know. They probably were tagged with "friends" (navigation bar to the right). You might have fun guessing who some of the comment-makers are, too -- you know about...half, I would say.

Hope you're well!


winsomeone September 21 2007, 00:12:33 UTC
As one novice writer to another- go you!


framefolly September 21 2007, 01:01:31 UTC
Go US!


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