apology, facts, habits, quirks

Sep 10, 2007 23:41

I'm sorry that I have been somewhat remiss in responding to comments recently; I need to get over this perfectionist problem of wanting to reply just so to everything -- no one else cares, framefolly!

Anyway, first to answer a meme sent from
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lj, meme, silly, friends

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Comments 14

zandperl September 11 2007, 13:03:54 UTC
This's the second time I've been tagged for this and didn't feel like doing it on the spot. The last time I never remembered later. I'm not big on chain letters or chain memes could be part of it. Remind me again later.


framefolly September 12 2007, 06:27:41 UTC
I'm not big on chain thingies either -- just did this one because I liked the answers that the person who tagged me made.

Congrats again on such a productive day! *feels a little guilty and jealous*...


blue_aardvark September 11 2007, 13:13:58 UTC
1. I am a caffeine fiend. I drink the equivalent of 20+ cups of coffee a day ( ... )


framefolly September 12 2007, 06:33:09 UTC
20 CUPS OF COFFEE? Good lord -- you ARE a fiend....

Very cool band names -- what did you play? Do you still play?

Interesting observation about accents. I must admit that I feel a completely irrational attraction to certain upper crust British accents...watched too much Masterpiece Theater, perhaps....

Nice snarky haiku ;) . Like the enjambment.

Good for you for kicking an undesired habit. I shall aspire to quit with the stupid knuckle-cracking...

I have no idea what my Tivo might think I am, if I had a Tivo. If my computer could speak!

It may be inefficient, but I cut and eat each piece because it marginally slows the speed at which the steak cools -- as I like my steaks very bloody, the temperature of the red parts changes the taste quite a bit. I don't see any other reason to do so, and when I'm eating by my home grill by myself I'll do it any ol' way, as long as the steak is eventually delivered to my mouth as I like it :) .

Thanks for playing!


blue_aardvark September 12 2007, 12:57:08 UTC
Am I the only one who played? :( In the band, I squawked er sang a bit.

Thanks for your comments, they brighten my day!


framefolly September 13 2007, 00:25:12 UTC
As you can see, you are not the only one who played :) But I think I will refrain from these chain-letter-style memes in the future, unless they REALLY grab me ;) .


enigmaticblues September 11 2007, 22:25:05 UTC
What are you waiting for? Nebraska is fabulous! ;)

It's nice to know that other people share your quirks, like sleeping with a stuffed animal, or cracking your knuckles. I'm really bad about that last.

And I'm not sure that anyone can keep up the zealotry for long. I'd say the same. I'm still a Christian, just a quieter sort.

Oh, and you are special. :)


framefolly September 12 2007, 06:35:41 UTC
Nebraska Ho! Roadtrip time... ;) .

And thank you :) for every comment :) . It always makes me smile :) .


enigmaticblues September 12 2007, 14:10:51 UTC
Seriously, though, we've got a spare bedroom, and I've hosted two LJ friends so far, with very good results. Just something to keep in mind... ;)

Aw...I'm a commenting fiend. I know how much it helps to have someone who listens.


framefolly September 12 2007, 16:19:47 UTC
I am always a lot more excited to plan a trip when I know that there are friends to see on the way :) . And even though I don't have a spare bedroom, I have a very comfortable spare futon. If you ever want to visit LA, you have a place to stay and a hostess who can tell you all sorts of tips about food and fun :) .

Again, congratulations on your extraordinary bar results. My sister has had to take so many qualifying exams on her way to becoming a doctor, and even though she always passed with flying colors, they were also always a source of stress. One less hurdle to jump!


jonelvisamerica September 12 2007, 23:13:06 UTC
1. Fact: I took several years of mime classes, through a Marceau school based in Michigan. It is probably the most helpful thing in my stop motion 'toolbox.'

2. Habit: I have a manual fixation. I estimate I spend 30% of my time either biting my nails, or rolling small pieces of paper into spirals. I should probably take up smoking.

3. Quirk: I hate wearing socks.

4. Fact: I'm not going to tag anyone with this.

5. Fact: I am a supporter of the Aquatic Ape theory, and I show my support by taking long showers.

6. Habit: When I'm in a room with my brother for a while, we both start whistling quietly. Neither of us do it separately. Some sort of strange conditioning.

7. Fact: I can't eat raw tomatoes. Can't stand them. I've narrowed it down- I hate the taste of the fluid around the seeds. If the tomatoes are cooked or dried, I don't have a problem. Just raw ones. ew.


framefolly September 13 2007, 00:28:10 UTC
1. Mime classes? What? How can I sign up?!?

2. I've noticed you doing that. You also just fidget a lot. It's endearing in a slightly irritating way ;) .

3. How come?

4. Fair enough. I'm glad I got these answers out of you, though, despite not being partial to "tagging" memes. I mean, mime classes!

5. ?

6. Hmm...

7. Oh! I like them! Squish-crunch! ;) .


kalichan September 15 2007, 18:29:08 UTC
Wow, I've never been tagged before. That gave me a nice little high. I've been remiss on LJ lately, so I'm behind on comments, but just wanted to say "hi" and "thanks!"


framefolly September 18 2007, 20:36:21 UTC
Thanks again for playing!


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