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Comments 11

framefolly September 1 2007, 01:19:54 UTC
Aren't the monkehs cute?

Seriously. I don't have powers of prognostication, and have no idea what's happening this New Year's Eve. I'm just pre-dating this entry so that the visitor counter will stay at the top of my journal.

So if you want to find out what is actually going on, go to the next entry!


it's not yet the end of the year anonymous September 3 2007, 20:47:35 UTC
can one jump to the end of the year? that reminds me an old Indian story: one day a young man founds a magic clock, inside the clock, there was an old budda. The budda told him how to use the clock: he could turn the clock to a certain time and he could jump from now to then! But watch out, my young man, you can only turn it to the future but never go back to the past. The young man was in love with a girl---as usual a painful, torturing love. So he decided to turn the clock to the next month, then he saw that he succeeded in making a good friend of her. A few days after that, he couldn't help himself to turn the clock even more to see what would happen the next---dating is too long and time taking---I would like to pass it and directly go to the marriage night! He did it. It was wonderful, but one day after, he couldn't wait to turn the clock to the time that they would have a better stage in life! After that he couldn't wait the time of their first child, etc. in the end, he found himself an old man with white hair and beard, close ( ... )


Re: it's not yet the end of the year framefolly September 3 2007, 21:37:49 UTC
Well, this magical monkey device doesn't address my curiosities with regard to time, but with regard to my mostly anonymous readers.


enigmaticblues September 23 2007, 01:33:56 UTC
I would "blame" seasonal_spuffy, because it really does put the word out. I'm so glad! :)


framefolly September 23 2007, 05:32:49 UTC
Me, too -- I totally see where to place the "blame" -- on you! ;)


laseulrosenoire October 8 2007, 17:48:33 UTC

Let me know if you want an Xmas card or any other kind of seasonal card - obviously I’ll need your snailmail address if you do; email me at j.enticknap@gmail.com if you’re not comfortable leaving it in a comment.

Take care,


framefolly October 10 2007, 14:51:41 UTC
Thank you so much for your offer! Hope that you will have a wonderful holiday season :) .


laseulrosenoire October 10 2007, 20:27:22 UTC
Thanks, you too!


laseulrosenoire October 10 2007, 20:28:11 UTC
Sorry, that was me - forgot to log on!


pfeifferpack January 10 2008, 13:57:47 UTC
Hi hon...haven't seen you around and hope its just that you're busy settling in. let us know you are okay (or if you need anything). Miss you.



framefolly January 24 2008, 03:45:57 UTC
You're so kind! I'm still catching up at work, but soon -- (in Govahnatah Voice:) "I'll be back!"


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