Your body is mostly water.
You taught biology; you know the cycle of cellular life and death. It's a subject you spend a lot of time avoiding outside the classroom, but when your cells run amok it doesn't take you by surprise. Something in your body was always waiting for this moment.
Your spirit is mostly ice water.
You were a member of the cabinet. You're a politician, you know how to take charge. You know how to inspire and give hope. You know when to bluff and when to call the bluffs of others. Something in your mind was always waiting for this moment.
Your soul is mostly ice.
You've seen it happen with good leaders. The crystals of self precipitate out and all that is left is your people. All that was fluid about you is gone, as you will soon be gone. A prophet serves, she does not cry.
In Adama's blue eyes you catch a glimpse of the water you once were made of. A hard freeze will come to him, a reckoning. When you are gone his spine will freeze and he will lead your people home. Something in your heart waits for that moment.