Title: Still Characters: Becky, Tim Word Count: 599 Summary: "Luke Cafferty smiles like my daddy does." Angsty Becky things. Spoilers for "The Lights in Carroll Park."
this is really good. i like becky as a character on the show, but i don't feel like i know her very well yet, don't know her motivations. here, i could feel her tension and get inside her head. i like the running theme of stillness, and her need for it; it makes sense with what's going on for her right now. also like her internal dialog.
Notice, notice, notice, she thinks, her eyes intent on the side of his face.
that and the last line were my favorites. and i love what this says about tim. he's been so resigned, quiet this season, and that's a perfect explanation: he 'knows' he's going to let everyone down. so heartbreaking.
Comments 1
Notice, notice, notice, she thinks, her eyes intent on the side of his face.
that and the last line were my favorites. and i love what this says about tim. he's been so resigned, quiet this season, and that's a perfect explanation: he 'knows' he's going to let everyone down. so heartbreaking.
thanks for sharing this. :)
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