[Fic] Multichapter - Behind the Scenes_Chapter 1

May 25, 2009 05:52

Title: Behind the Scenes
Pairing: AkaKame
Rating/Genre: NC17(..eventual) | Romance, Fluff
Disclaimer: Don't own them, not even in my dreams.
Summary/Notes: Modern!AkaKame. Both straight and do not question their sexuality. BUT one day they are chosen to act in a new drama where they have to play a gay couple (could be the adaptation of a yaoi manga) and their relationship slowly starts to change...
For silecet's request in akame_req


Chapter 1

“Nowaki-kun♥ Geh!” Koki squawked as a pillow was flung into his face.

“Don’t call me that! Ba~aldy.”

“Oi! I wanted to keep my hair this time.” Koki started then proceeded to meander into an empty corner, “…not my fault I had to cut it for my role…”

Jin ignored his now sulking band mate and plopped onto the couch. “Ahh, thank god the dome tour is finally over. Eight days in a row is too much. Is Johnny-san trying to kill us?”

A figure walked into the room and sat in front of one of the vanity mirrors. “Don’t get too comfortable; we still have this weekend’s Osaka concert days - rehearsals too. Then back to Tokyo dome for another couple days.” Jin groaned loudly. “And remember you and I have to start prepping for the drama soon.”

Kazuya looked at the reflection of Jin’s disbelieving face in the mirror. He turned around questioningly, “You…you didn’t forget did you? What with Koki constantly teasing you - which by the way he’d stop doing if you’d stop letting it bother you - but you couldn’t honestly have forgotten right?” Jin quirked a brow, and Kazuya’s eyes widened, “Oh my god Jin, what’s wrong with you! Filming starts in a few weeks! The drama is scheduled to air in July! Have you even read the script?!”

Eyes darting away Jin meekly replied, “I did. Once…when we first got it.”

“Y-you…”Kazuya was more than a little aggravated, but one look at Jin’s wincing form he calmed down and let out a heavy sigh, “Well now you know. We shouldn’t have to worry about promo activities for a bit, not until it gets closer to our episodes anyways.”

Jin kept his face down and Kazuya moved to sit beside him, “Don’t worry about it. I know I said filming is starting soon, but we’ll probably only be needed for the filming of the opening sequence. If we get started now, there’ll be plenty of time to get ready for the drama.”

A tentative grin made its way onto Jin’s face as he nodded his head and Kazuya couldn’t help but break out into a smile too. He tugged on a lock of Jin’s hair

“We’re gonna have to do something about your hair, it’s too long for you to be Nowaki.” Jin looked horrified at the thought, and Kazuya quickly continued, “Maybe not as short as Nowaki’s, but something like when you were doing Anego is good. Ah, I should probably lighten my hair color too then. We should go soon, do you have some time tomorrow?”

A pensive look came over Jin before it was replaced by a frown. “No, I promised Maki I’d take her out. We haven’t seen much of each other because of the dome concert and rehearsals before. But we can go next week.”

Kazuya smiled brightly, “Okay, next Tuesday then, after the Osaka live. We can go out to eat too, it’s been a while.”

“Ahem.” Ueda coughed. Jin and Kazuya turned to see their band mates - even Koki in his corner still sulking - watching them. “If you two lovebirds are done talking, it’s time for our photoshoot.”


The photoshoot was unexpectedly long that day as the photographer was unusually picky and continuously redid their shots. Each of the solo shots had been taken with ease earlier, but the pair and group shoots were proving to be a more daunting matter. The theme was to be a natural summer feel to it, but no matter what the boys did it seemed as if nothing could please the photographer. Again and again the photographer would ask for a different pose, move locations, or start focusing on another pair-group, but when all was said and done a sour look would appear on the photographer’s face. Forced, over-acting, unnatural He would mumble while examining the pictures on his laptop, before calling for the six men to begin once again.

Hours dragged on slowly and just as they were reaching the end of their patience, KAT-TUN was given a lunch break. Letting out relived sighs, they quickly walked out of the hot sunlight into the shaded gazebo where the staff lunches had been prepared.

“Tsunoda-san is being unreasonable today.” Jin complained in his seat.

Junno’s smile strained, “He’s just doing his job.”

“But we should be about done by now. At this rate we’ll still be here all day!”

“Koki has a point, we’ve already begun running over schedule time. It’ll be bad if we don’t finish soon.” Nakamaru added.

“It can’t be help if Tsunoda-san isn’t okay with the pictures.” Kazuya grabbed his water bottle, “We’ll just have to try harder later. No use in grumbling about it now.”

Ueda put down his empty plate - the others stared at him in shock. “You’re already finished?!” He smiled widely and raised a victory sign at the others who shook their heads amusedly.

“Kame” Kazuya looked up from picking through his food at Ueda, “I’ve been meaning to ask, who are the other actors in Junjou Romantica?”

“They’re done casting, but I only remember the main actors.” Kazuya absently placed his green pepper into Jin’s plate “Hmm, Kamakari Kenta is the lead if I remember correctly. Saito Takumi should be the second lead. Kotani Yoshikazu will be playing my co-worker, and his love interest…Aoi-Aoyagi Ruito? I think that’s what his name is. They - the four of them - have all worked together before.”

“Koki! How could you! I was saving that for last!” Jin yelled loudly. Koki simply laughed and took off running; prompting the older man to chase after him yet again. Jin grabbed a bottle and took off after Koki, attempting to splash him with water.

“Ah.” Kazuya perked up, “Ishiguro Hideo has a minor role in it too I believe.”

As Jin ran pass them Kazuya reached out and grabbed his arm. Jin turned around quickly and was about to retort about being abruptly stopped when Kazuya popped a strawberry into his mouth. “Here, now be quiet and sit down. You’re causing a scene, we’re still at work.”

Chewing the slightly sweet fruit, Jin nodded his head and smiled crookedly.

“But I don’t think Jin or I will get to see him during the drama shoot. He’s only in the main story. So what about you? How’s Konkatsu going?”

Smiling, Ueda nodded his head. “It’s doing well and the story’s getting interesting.”

“Nakai-kun’s being a good sempai then?”

“Yeah, he takes me out to eat and stuff.” His smile faltered slightly and Kazuya eyed him oddly, “But Kame! He keeps giving me all these clothes. Not that I don’t appreciate it, but it’s almost like hand-me-down stuff. Very not my style or anything too.”

Kazuya let out a raspy laugh and lightly let himself fall against the older man.

Koki finally made his way back to the gazebo panting. He fanned himself using his hand. “Haaa, it’s hot. I want some ice cream.”

“Ice cream.” Kazuya and Ueda said in unison; wide identical smiles spreading on their faces. “We want some too.”

“Me too.” Jin joined in, “Someone should go get some.”

The foursome turned towards Nakamaru and Junno who suddenly stiffened at the statement.

“Oi~, don’t bring us into this. One of you guys can go get the ice cream.” Nakamaru said.

“But you guys want some too don’t you? And at least two people need to go get it.”

“Janken, let’s play to see whose has to go.”

Nakamaru grimaced as he and Junno were coerced into playing. In the first round both Ueda and Kazuya won. The second was a stalemate. Jin won the third. And in the final Koki beat both Nakamaru and Junno’s scissors with rock. The duo resigned themselves to their bullied fate and headed out to get the ice cream across the park court. They returned shortly with two vanillas for Ueda and Koki, chocolate for Kazuya, watermelon for Jin, mango for Nakamaru, and a strawberry for Junno.

“Mmm, watermelon is the best for this summer heat.” Kazuya turned towards him and Jin held out his cone, “Wanna taste.”

Raising a hand to lightly grasp and steady Jin’s hand Kazuya leaned forward and licked the ice cream. “It’s good.” He said smiling then looked at his own cone, “I should’ve gotten watermelon too.”

Jin reached over and grabbed Kazuya’s chocolate cone, replacing it with his watermelon. “Here.”

A bright grin blossomed onto Kazuya’s face and he happily lapped at the cone. “Thank~you♥”

Lunch would be ending soon and KAT-TUN was getting ready to begin their photo shoot once more when on of the staff members came by telling them they could go. Confused and slightly shocked they asked about the pictures. The AD simply told them that Tsunoda-san had taken photos that he was very satisfied with and there was no longer a need to detain the six men. Wishing them a goodbye and good job the AD left to assist in packing up the rest of the staff equipment.


There was still some time between their schedules so Jin and Kazuya lounged around the gazebo for a few minutes more. Ueda and Koki had left soon after KAT-TUN were told they could leave for their respective drama recordings. Junno had said his goodbyes as well - though no one really knew what he was in such a rush for - and Nakamaru had stuck around for a bit before he went on his way.

Sitting on the gazebo steps Jin fanned himself, and Kazuya came up to stood behind him.


Jin nodded his head and Kazuya reached down and grabbed the fedora off the elder’s head. “Well then you should stop wearing these all the time.”

He squatted down and grinned as Jin threw him a look of mock annoyance. Kazuya brought his fingers to thread through Jin’s hair and tie it up in a loose-low-ponytail. “Doesn’t that feel better?”

Again Jin simply grinned and nodded his head.

Neither noticed Tsunoda from his spot still surrounded by staff workers clicking away at the shutter on his camera.


how is it so far? Hope everyone likes it. Comments are much love♥

behind the scenes, fanfic: multi-chapter, akame

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