[Fic] Multichapter - Behind the Scenes_Prologue

May 22, 2009 14:44

Title: Behind the Scenes
Pairing: AkaKame
Rating/Genre: NC17/Romance, Fluff
Disclaimer: Don't own them, not even in my dreams.
Summary/Notes: Real life Akame. Nowadays. Kame and Jin have always been friends but they act all lovey-dovey or distant according to what image Johnny Kitagawa wants them to show. They do not question their sexuality. They both go out with girls. BUT one day they are chosen to act in a new drama where they have to play a gay couple (could be the adaptation of a yaoi manga) and their relationship slowly starts to change...
For silecet's request in akame_req Sorry, but between lack of inspiration and me just being plain lazy a year has passed by. Forgive me T.T

Jin clutched at the papers in his hand.

Kazuya’s eye twitched haphazardly.

Their manager stood off to the side and T-TUN watched on in silent curiousity.

For a moment there was no sound save for the rustling of papers before Jin clicked his tongue irritated and tossed his script aside. He quickly stomped out of the room and Kazuya followed closely behind. It had been a long time since either had acted so recklessly; feverishly running through the halls and floors of the Jimusho with one destination in mind. But it was so absurd; neither could believe it was serious. They ran past the other dressing rooms and up the stairs - foregoing the elevator in their rush - until they reached the top floor and practically flung open the double-doors at the end of the hall.

“Johnny-san! You can’t be serious!”

The old man looked up from his desk at the two questioningly. Kazuya took a deep sigh and walked forward; placing his script onto the desk.

“What is the meaning of this?”

Johnny quirked a brow as he looked at the script the back up towards the two men.

“It is exactly what it seems. The both of you have been casted for a new drama.”

“For a boys love drama! And we’ve been casted as lovers!” Jin exclaimed, “Fanservice is one thing, but this is pushing it!”

Jin sighed frustratingly and Kazuya stepped forward. “It’s not so much that it’s about being in a boys love drama”(Jin snorted)“But why us? What happened to the whole keeping AkaKame apart?”

“Oh that? We’re done with keeping you two apart, now’s the perfect time to bring you back together. Nothing is more enticing that getting something you’ve been longing for, for a long time. Why exactly did you think I waited so long to have KAT-TUN debut?”

The duo stared unblinkingly at Johnny.

“In this depressed economy we must draw in every type of audience. And I believe this project is just what we need.” Johnny paused momentarily and a serious look came on his face. “Akanishi, Kamenashi I chose the two of you because frankly you are my best bet for the ultimate success of this project. I’m sure there will be many mixed reactions; both good and bad from the fans. However, if it is you to together - especially after so long - there will be a very large positive response. I’ve got plans for you two, and don’t worry this drama will not interfere with other jobs you’ve already committed yourselves to.”

And with that Jin and Kazuya stalked out of Johnny’s office. They expressed themselves to Johnny, but Kitagawa had spoken his word. The elevator ride back down was tense.

“He’s got a point; the fans will go crazy over this.”


“At least we’re not the leads. We won’t have to do too much.”



Jin let out an aggravated huff, “Ahh! There are going to be rumors floating around about us again! I thought we were finally done with that mess!”

“Not like we can do anything about it now.”

“How can you be so calm about this!”

“It’s just another job is all.” Kazuya sighed heavily, “You know, at least you’ve got a girlfriend the paparazzi will still go on about.”

“You could always - itai!” Jin started but was interrupted as Kazuya smacked his head.

“Baka, I’m not going to get a girlfriend just for the sake of overturning gay rumors.”

As they made their way into KAT-TUN’s dressing room Jin and Kazuya were met with T-TUN huddled around the table. There were small gasps and giggles from the four that abruptly stopped at the sound of the door opening and closing. Koki, Junno, Nakamaru, and Ueda turned around with wide smiles on their faces. Just as Jin was going to ask what was so interesting the question died in his throat as he took note of the script in Koki’s hands.

Junjou Romantica

“KOKI!” Jin roared and launched after the rapper, “You-you shouldn’t be messing with other people’s stuff!!”

Koki began laughing out loud and ran around the room avoiding the older man. “It’s not my fault you left your stuff lying around for anyone to see.”

“Give it back!”

“No way! I haven’t finished reading it!”


“Jinjin don’t be embarrassed about your new drama role. There’s nothing wrong with being a gay man.”

Kazuya sighed and slumped onto the sofa ignoring his two band mates running around the room. Ueda moved to sit next to the youngest and Kazuya leaned against him. Ueda patted Kazuya’s head.

“Maa, maa…don’t get too stressed out over this. You’ve gotta keep your energy up, it’s going to be a busy year for you again Kame.”

Kazuya nodded his head.

“KOKI!!! Come back here!”

Kazuya buried himself further into the couch. “Akanishi…Koki…” Junno spoke up

“No way!”

Kazuya groaned into Ueda’s shoulder. “O-oi, you two. Calm down.” Nakamaru started.

“Kazu! Help me!”

“Eh, hehe. Running off to your boyfriend now.”

“OI! You! I have a girlfriend!”

“Good cover there, Jinjin.”

Kazuya sat up and threw his own script across the room, hitting Koki square in the face. “Shut it you two! Koki give Jin back his script! And Jin, stop running around like an idiot and sit down! We’ve got dress rehearsals in thirty minutes and I’d like to spend it in peace and quiet for once.”

Jin and Koki obediently quieted down and moved to sit. Jin sat down on the other side of Kazuya and Koki sat in a chair opposite of Jin.

“Koki started it - itai!”

Kazuya smacked Jin’s head once more and Koki stifled a laugh earning himself a glare from Kazuya.


Comments are always much love.
I'd really appreciate it too if people could give me title ideas, nothing's coming to mind for me. I've come up with at title thanks to blue_eye1 ^o^ And I'll certainly try to keep up with this fic and update soon.

behind the scenes, fanfic: multi-chapter, akame

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