Rape, Abuse, and Absolutely Nothing Funny

Dec 16, 2012 00:28

I think the worst thing a person can say to me is that they couldn’t ship Spuffy after 6.19 “Seeing Red.”

These people are mortified over Spike’s actions towards Buffy, and they have every right to be, but what this shows me is that they are completely dismissing Buffy’s abuse of Spike through the entire sixth season.

I’m going to say something now ( Read more... )

btvs season six, echo, 7.02 "beneath you", angel the series, just saying, serious, 6.11 "gone", 2.02 "instinct", 6.13 "dead things", dollhouse season two, buffy, 6.19 "seeing red", spike, abuse is abuse, buffy the vampire slayer, spuffy, 6.09 "smashed", bangel, ats season one, good is not nice, 7.09 "never leave me", 6.18 "entropy", btvs season seven, 1.19 "sanctuary", shipping, angel

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Comments 5

rebcake January 19 2013, 02:09:02 UTC
I don't usually get too deep into this topic in unlocked places, for various reasons, but I thought this might interest you, if you haven't already seen it:


Barb's far more eloquent than I.


foxstarreh January 19 2013, 02:44:08 UTC
Ooh, thanks! I hadn't seen it. That was really interesting.


kikimay June 7 2014, 23:44:06 UTC
Here thanks to your beautiful Spuffel saga on AO3. (I'm really enjoying it. So much love ( ... )


foxstarreh June 8 2014, 00:10:38 UTC
At the point that I wrote this, I was mostly responding to the people I'd seen who were only put off by the rape seen and didn't seem to think the whole season six relationship was abusive. Like, you know, right where it starts at "Wrecked." Violence front and center ( ... )


kikimay June 8 2014, 00:28:23 UTC
And as far as her relationship with Spike goes, season seven is what settled it for me. That they both went through the level of shit they did in season six, being both abusive and abused, and still come out of it wanting to help and look out for each other and, in the end, capable of having a deep and caring relationship (whether or not it's sexual or romantic) is incredible. AMEN ( ... )


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