So here's a house I built a while back, during my last building spree. This is for the Ader House, the main Noble family in Foxlyn. Husband and wife, Dominic and Ella, live in this little place.
Love it! I'm just starting to get into the whole building and decorating thing...trying to get away from the box house of doom and all that. Thanks for sharing! :)
Thanks! Box houses aren't terrible, though - most houses are just a box at their core. To me, the trick is adding bits that you find visually interesting, but are still functional. A feature entry, a balcony, things like that. Everyone has a style, just gotta find yours. :D
Yup that's what I'm trying to do. Been taking little things that I love about other people's houses and trying to either figure it out or remember to add it. Also trying to stay away from auto-roof, although in some houses that is the way to go, but not every last one of them lol. I'm also trying to figure out my decorating/clutter style...usually I just plop things down, wallpaper, flooring and done. Yay for experimentation! :D
Yeah, I don't know how I missed that roofing problem before. It might be less noticable if I went for a different balcony fencing? Idk.
The more I look at it, the less I mind the exterior. I think I'd still like to see it with a darker/browner brick, just to see how it looks. But, I suspect if I went too dark I'd lose the contrast of the windows/roof/etc... you know? I guess I'll see what I come up with, lol.
Comments 7
The more I look at it, the less I mind the exterior. I think I'd still like to see it with a darker/browner brick, just to see how it looks. But, I suspect if I went too dark I'd lose the contrast of the windows/roof/etc... you know? I guess I'll see what I come up with, lol.
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