So, I want to get a spread of opinions from people still reading their friends pages (hi!) about some things, because I can get into a bubble on topics like this and not really understand what people might actually feel about topics, but am really curious about reactions. So, without further ado:
A longer poll! )
Comments 177
Also my opinions on infinite flow: nice, except when I lose my place and then can't just go back a few pages when I know I'm 10+ "screens" down. Probably work better on LJ than it would on tumblr, though, since the volume of posts is lower, but I'm not a big fan. I mean it's cool but I'm mostly ambivalent about it, it's no strain to hit a back button for me.
This this this is my biggest problem with the feature.
Especially if I click on a link which opens in the same page and then go "Back" and end up somewhere completely other then where I had been, but also when returning later and not knowing I can just pick up at "skip=120" or whatever and getting to approximately the right place.
If I can't control colors, font sizes, and page width (no LJ, your 1200px default width or whatever doesn't work for me), I'll be forced to drop LJ. That would suck. :-(
So while I would prefer to keep it the way it is - I like the ways I've customised it - it probably wouldn't be the end of the world as long as the individual entry pages look right.
I have no strong feelings about infinite scrolling - it works fine for me, but I don't feel a lack of it on LJ.
Given that they went to all the trouble to recreate something like the original site scheme, even if they only chose to attach it to one group of styles, it does seem counter-productive that they'd get rid of it so soon.
You also start to wonder what you *would* see in your journal style - just the recent entries view? It does seem rather pointless to have all those customisation options at all, at that stage.
I tried to move to Dreamwidth but only about half of my friends did; and my current fandom is pretty much only on LJ (and on Tumblr, but I don't care about or use Tumblr at all).
Infinite scroll works well for me on Goodreads for the booklist, but it's slow-loading, and that would be my concern for something like LJ.
I used to read most pages in site skin, but now I try never to. The new comment pages are atrocious.
It wasn't aligning anything right anymore, and would display cut tags and such wrong.
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