So, I want to get a spread of opinions from people still reading their friends pages (hi!) about some things, because I can get into a bubble on topics like this and not really understand what people might actually feel about topics, but am really curious about reactions. So, without further ado:
A longer poll! )
The display of my journal was carefully chosen to maximize "Azz doesn't live here anymore" (complete with passive-aggressive poem) rather than any kind of usability. You want my journal readable? That place is not here. So forcing sitescheme on my friends page might be an improvement. However, forcing Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr ideas of "modern" on it would be worse.
I have no words for how much I hate infinite scroll. Mr. Zog, my modem, in collusion with Comcast, our ISP, hates them too. My internet is sometimes stable, but sometimes bounces more energetically than a kindergarten full of sugar-high five-year-olds at a birthday party in a bouncy castle (with all the crying and barfing implied by this description). When describing this situation on Twitter, I tagged it with #firstworldproblems because the experience of internet in ostensibly developed countries is a mixed bag, and in that mixed bag you have the occasional blob of horse dung. When the fucking internet goes out, or when Google Chrome decides that the page is a resource hog and must die, I have to refresh and then I can't even fucking enter where I left off, I have to scroll/end/page-down until I find it again. Sometimes I have the time and patience to do that, and sometimes I do not. I resent my friends who have stayed on LJ enough just because I loathe the platform so much; I don't want LJ to add to the negative halo that my friends are getting. (This is similar to how I resent the friends who have gone Facebook-only.)
I switch between devices for reading -- I have a desk-mounted laptop, I have an actually mobile chromebook, and I have an Android phone with decent browser. These days my friends page is usually readable in one sitting, but I remember the days of ?skip=300. What I would actually like is the ability for LJ to notice where I left off and transfer this between devices, but failing actually that, remembering and entering the same skip number is basically close enough.
If I can't control colors, font sizes, and page width (no LJ, your 1200px default width or whatever doesn't work for me), I'll be forced to drop LJ. That would suck. :-(
*joins the THIS conga line*
And another +1 for that.
Almost exactly what I wanted to say in response to that question.
If Dreamwidth gave us the option of displaying our reading lists in the site scheme, hell, I might even use it, because their site design is actually super-readable, way more than I can manage through my own tweaking. And because they have useful links on the system pages. But LJ seems determined to make all their system pages ever-uglier, more clogged up with browser-breaking crud, less readable, and more full of flashing promotional shit screaming for your attention.
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