2x15: Fresh Bones & Harry Potter

Nov 09, 2006 00:27


For those of you who are not on my friends list, I have been back from China for a little more than a month. My fifth year at UCLA started in the beginning of October, and now we are in the sixth week of classes, and I am thoroughly engrossed/disgusted/enthralled/tired. I am currently working on a colonial literature paper, a ( Read more... )

icons: the x-files, movie reviews, icons, icons: harry potter

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Comments 94

motorwill November 9 2006, 08:34:09 UTC
"There are two kinds of people in the world, those who hate biochemistry and those who have never taken biochemistry."
LOL, that is soooo true! If you're not tearing your hair out, then you're not learning. I'm a firm believer in having an area of the library where study desks have punching bags attatched to it. And rubber walls where you can throw your telephone-directory sized science books at.

I adore Shia LeBeouf, ever since he was a wee thing in Even Stevens, and then seeing him in Holes was impressive. Even though he didn't have a big part in Constantine, it was good to see him. I find myself rooting for him in his drive to become a filmmaker, because I think he's just that talented of a comedian and artist.

I will remember your friends when I pray. :)

Man. I consistently keep forgetting what a "damn good-looking man" Agent Fox Mulder is.


griva_x November 9 2006, 08:59:02 UTC
Heh, sis, who is it on your icon? a baby dressed as a bunny? why?


motorwill November 9 2006, 16:10:13 UTC
It's baby William, you know, Scully's baby? I ♥ his hat, I swear to God Mulder picked it out for him. XD


griva_x November 9 2006, 17:24:13 UTC
Whaa? No way. /winces/ Only dressing him up as Kermit would be funnier.*g*

But then my daughter has a similar cap, only pink.


griva_x November 9 2006, 08:58:17 UTC
I'd like to friend you because a) I constantly hear from my good pal-sister motorwill and a few others what a great person and a big XF fan you are. Now, to add up, I've seen/read the reviews of the movies and realized that that's about my own style and as I am a person who loves to drone about the movies I've seen/plan to watch on my own LJ (yup, I'm a movie geek) and prefer 1-2-3 paragraph reviews just like yours...it is another point in common I think we have. SO, I hope you don't mind. If you like, you can friend me back, I'd be only glad about it.

However, it is nonetheless stunning in its darkness, sexual energy, and visions of dreamlike grotesque cruelty which combines to seize and sicken the viewer in both nausea and esctacy. Hmmm. May I ask...to give me an example of dreamlike grotesque cruelty. Asking becasue yes, I'd like to watch this movie but recently extra gore/torture etc started to sicken me, like they did not before. However, every person has his/her own limit of squickiness, so could you? Also, I did not find the Constant ( ... )


foxestacado November 10 2006, 01:13:40 UTC
Friend away! And I'll friend you back, because I have friends-only material that is sometimes entertaining.

a) I constantly hear from my good pal-sister [info]motorwill and a few others what a great person and a big XF fan you are.Damn, Dusty? *waves at her upthread* You're making me blush here ( ... )


griva_x November 10 2006, 14:17:22 UTC
Well, people nowadays mostly talk about TV shows on LJ (well, I do that too), so I enjoy getting to know every person I encounter who shares some of my interests, one of them being movies. Last time I was at the cinema was...back in early spring, I recall. I mostly d'load movies and watch them at home. If the movie turns out to be drivel, no waste of money! I watch all kind of movies - from blockbusters (I'm rather picky with those, however) to indie and low-budget. I practically never watch comedies (well, with a few exceptions. I'd want to watch Borat, for example), lightweight romantic dramas and horror movies for teens ( ... )


foxestacado November 12 2006, 02:34:24 UTC
Oh wow, that is an AWESOME icon! WOW. *is mesmerized*

Hahaha, where do you download your movies? I used to use Kazaa, but now I'm mostly using torrents. Oh, by the way, do you happen to know what happened to Kazaa? I tried to use Kazaa this weekend to download some music videos, and the search feature isn't turning up much at all.

The only movie I recognize on your list is Velvet Goldmine, and that's only because Dusty recommended it. I have it sitting on my harddrive right now, but I haven't watched it yet.

Hahaha, I haven't watched The Ring either. I'm actually not really a fan of horror. I don't really get squicked out much, but it's kind of not my thing. I guess it's because I'm not interested by the concept of movies that are driven by suspense alone.

So, I hope we get along. :)
I hope so too :D


Ps with a thank you griva_x November 9 2006, 09:09:58 UTC
I just checked out your links, particularly - the must see vids. And...WHOA!, it's like opening a treasure chest - you have a few of those vids that I thought i've lost forever since I've rebooted my PC last year. That's wonderful!


Re: Ps with a thank you foxestacado November 10 2006, 01:17:36 UTC
Hee! I'm happy that you found what you were looking for. I update the site whenever I have time to, and I'm trying to make myself promise to find some time to update Must See this weekend.

Are there particular vidders you wanted uploaded? I typically upload my own favorite music videos, but since a lot of people like Shakerbaker and Meredith, I also upload those videos.


Re: Ps with a thank you griva_x November 10 2006, 14:00:19 UTC
Well, I know personally only one GREAT new vidder (she makes action XF, M/K slash, character vids) - thandie777 (her nick on YouTube). Maybe you have seen her vids? I'm sure there will be at least one of them you'd enjoy and probably add to your collection.

Ummm. So I guess you just keep updating your collection and I will be checking it out for new stuff. I have a small collection of my own fav vids (slash, mostly).


Re: Ps with a thank you foxestacado November 12 2006, 02:37:56 UTC
Oh, I don't really watch music videos on YouTube, and I've gotten so sick of the ones I've seen. Actually, I haven't watched a lot of new music videos because I keep seeing people using my clips. I completely don't mind if they ripped the same footage themselves, but they're using clips taken from my music videos! It's not like I can't recognize them. Ugh. It really pisses me off. I spend hundreds of hours ripping, encoding, and cutting those clips, and it's really a part of the creative process, selecting your own clips.

Anyways, recently, some people told me they saw my video, Injection, on YouTube. I went to check it out, and I saw that they didn't even credit me for the video. It's really infuriating. I don't know what to do about it. I just wrote a letter to two people requesting that they please include my name and all of my disclaimers, or else remove the music video. I don't want to get in trouble, and I don't want my clips being used in other music videos. Ugh.

Ugh, sorry about the rant. I'm just bitter. My apologies.


hazey_sunshine November 9 2006, 10:04:32 UTC
I'd also like to friend you, because I read the entire post and it made my day a bit shinier - thank you! x


foxestacado November 9 2006, 16:20:57 UTC
Oh yes, please, do not hesitate to friend :) (Which reminds me, I should probably make my friending policy more clear in my profile). But thank you for your interest and welcome to my journal. I hope my entries will continue to entertain you. Is it okay if I friend you back?


hazey_sunshine November 9 2006, 17:07:43 UTC

Feel free to friend me back, but be warned that I do update most days, and that it's usually really inane and, well, yeah.


foxestacado November 10 2006, 01:18:48 UTC
Friended :D

And be warned that I insert myself into people's journals at inopportune moments, mumbling strange things. :D


mosinging1986 November 9 2006, 12:47:13 UTC
How dare you make a long post (and full of icons and movies!) that I have no time to read now!

And you must be reading my mind, as I am rewatching the entire series in order and just saw 'Fresh Bones' the other day.


foxestacado November 9 2006, 16:22:55 UTC

It's so weird, because I'm playing a Season 2 Survival Game on TWOP, and Fresh Bones is on the brink of being eliminated (or maybe it is already eliminated, at this point) when I posted this batch. For some reason, the universes are colliding, and the musical spheres are crossing over.


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