
Aug 27, 2004 00:39


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Comments 8

splatchtrock August 26 2004, 16:10:33 UTC
Hmmm... Only one I recognise straight away is "Ozymandius", buggered if I can remeber any more of it than what you've given.


notalwaysweak August 26 2004, 16:21:25 UTC
5. T.S. Eliot, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock".
10. William Blake, "Tyger Tyger".



foxe August 26 2004, 16:41:38 UTC
So do I! I got Eliot in the "who's your inner poet" (or whatever it was called) quiz that's been going round LJ lately. Yay!


trampolineboy August 26 2004, 17:00:57 UTC
Ok, the ones I recognise are irritating me, so these are my pre-google-cheating answers:

2. Lady of Shallot?
3. (I know I've read this one...)
5. (Too easy: T.S. Eliot is everyone's inner poet!)
8. Ozymandias
9. Shall I compare thee...?
10. Tyger


And after googling... trampolineboy August 26 2004, 17:11:43 UTC
(no new answers, since that would be pointless, but a few comments:)

1. Damn, should have got this one!
2. Glad I got this one right, even though I can't stand Tennyson.
3. I only read this poem once, in a bookshop in Glasgow this January, so maybe not surprising I couldn't place it.
7. I had never read this one before now - I love it!

I think I'll have to steal this one - it's the first time an LJ meme has really appealed to me... ;)


foxe August 26 2004, 19:43:51 UTC
Five out of ten without googling - not bad at all! 7 was the most obscure, but is one of my favourites just for sheer craziness.


trampolineboy August 26 2004, 22:24:55 UTC
I think the reason I missed #1 was that the lines sound strangely sinister when taken out of context, so I was trying to think of someone twentieth century...


musosian August 26 2004, 17:11:52 UTC
6. Christina Rosetti
Remember me when I have gone away,
gone far away... (I dunno what comes next).

8 Ozymandias
(finishes with something about the desert sands empty)

10 Tyger Tyger burning bright
in the forests of the night (William Blake)


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