(no subject)

Aug 27, 2004 00:39

Because I'm bored: idea nicked from mstakenidentity.

Here are ten lines from various poetic sources (hopefully I've got them right - typed from memory)... name the poem and poet.
For an extra challenge, these are all first or last lines of poems - can you quote the matching first or last lines in each case?
  1. Thus, though we cannot make our sun
    Stand still, yet we will make him run

  2. On either side the river lie
    Long fields of barley and of rye

  3. Out of the ash I rise with my red hair
    And I eat men like air

  4. And when I sue
    God for myself, he hears that name of thine
    And sees within my eyes the tears of two.

  5. Let us go then, you and I
    When the evening is spread out against the sky
    Like a patient etherised upon a table

  6. Better by far you should forget and smile
    Than that you should remember and be sad

  7. So she went into the garden
    To pick a cabbage leaf, to make an apple pie

  8. I met a traveller from an antique land

  9. So long as men can breathe, and eyes can see
    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee

  10. What immortal hand or eye
    Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


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