There is nothing better than reading The Neverending Story in a thunderstorm.
In a self-created sanctuary, no less: sitting in the middle of a hammock, the wet ropes covered over with a towel... wrapped in a lovely fleecy blanket... and guarded from the storm by the edge of the deck as well as a tall and wide umbrella propped up by the knots of the hammock's rope.
Well, maybe sharing the thunderstorm with someone is a little bit better, but for solitude, this couldn't be beat.
I didn't go to the Dubs in Evergreen tonight. It woulda been nice, but my dad was pretty convinced that the place is permanently 21 and up and strict about it, and I was tired, because I got to sleep at 4am (for no reason at all) and then at 9:15, CLAY CALLED ME FROM TAIWAN and woke me up. Not that I exactly MINDED! In fact, I was ecstatic. We talked for a good half-hour and he said it was costing his parents 26 cents a minute. And then I was up for the rest of the day, if groggy for the next two hours.
We did indeed go to visit Trude in her nursing home, and from what we'd been hearing we were expecting the worst. Very, very happily, she exceeded our best expectations! She was cognizant, compus mentis, and very awake and a joy to talk to. Then it was her lunchtime, and I was dragged mostly willingly to look at shoes at Nordstrom Rack, though we found NONE in our limited time there. We rushed home, and Dad and I went to see Long Day's Journey into Night at Red Rocks Community College. It was... LONG. But the actors were all right. I'm glad I can say I've seen it, though I was hardly sharing a theater with Alan Rickman or seeing Robert Sean Leonard onstage (coughCLAYSUCKScoughcough). And the accents definitely needed help. You'd never think it consciously, but when done wrong, Irish can sound like Jamaican. Now think about that and realize it's not actually a stretch!
We emerged from the theater three and a half hours(!!!) later to a fantastical thunderstorm. And I made my sanctuary, and it was goooood. Then, later, I made some crepe batter from mix, and it said to refrigerate it overnight, which means crepes for breakfast tomorrow!
Tomorrow I'm going to watch Waking Life and Sleeper, maybe Vera Drake, and probably my SciFi Friday tape. The first three have all been rented and are due back soon, so.
Anyone who wants to join me is free to. I got nothin' else to do. And there's homemade dolmades (stuffed grape leaves. Greek.) here, too!
oh, also, I'm not giving blood tomorrow. The synagogue's doing a blood drive on August 3, and I'll do it then. Blood drives are fun, and it gives me more time to get more iron.
as a last note: I can't get enough of the Charlie soundtrack. The main title theme is just... awesome. The whirling, elusively movement- and syncopation-driven triple meter bids my hands to conduct it without me thinking a thing. The only other piece ever to do that is Beethoven's 9th. So, I haven't even opened Vanity Project's case yet. But there will be time... once I get over Danny Elfman a little bit.
OH! And today makes... seven years since my bat mitzvah.
JEEEEEEZ. I'm old.