For the Love of ?: Star of Round 2 Poll

Aug 03, 2013 00:31

For Round 1, I (shy_of_reality), picked the star of the fest: Pansy Parkinson. I picked Pansy, because she is a character that we know some things about (mostly stuff by her association with Draco Malfoy), but there was so much we didn't know about her and there was so many possibilities when it came to creating fanworks around her.

My original idea for this fest was a 'it would be fun if...' post on Tumblr and I had absolutely no idea how that idea would catch fire and people would want to take part.

So here we are a couple days before posting starts for Round 1 and it's time to start thinking about who should star in Round 2 (which will take place in 2014 with similar dates as this year's fest).

Below the cut you will find more information regarding the poll (ie: how it will work), links and something about prizes.

How Were the Lists Put Together?

I came up with the original list of possibly characters a few weeks ago and posted it here for feedback. The response I got was amazing and very helpful.

The general message I got from all the feedback was this: you guys didn't want more fests for characters that already had lots of fests (ie: Draco, Hermione, Harry, etc.), but you also didn't want totally obscure characters.

Using the feedback, I narrowed the witches and wizards down to forty (twenty of each), but then I found out that livejournal's polls only allow for fifteen answers per question. So what I ended up with is fifteen witches and fifteen wizards for you guys to choose  from.

How Will It Work?

Everyone who votes will get to choose three witches and three wizards to vote for. (Please note, if you vote for more than three, your votes will be put into a hat, ended up using this random line chooser instead,and the three that come out will get votes).

The idea is that the voting that happens during the posting part of the fest will help determine the top 3-5 (depending on closeness of votes) possible stars for Round 2. Then, probably next spring, we will have a final vote for who will be the Star of Round 2.

We have also included a question on whether the Star of Round 2 should be a witch or a wizard. This question was included to help break any ties that should appear. Example: if a witch and a wizard are both tied for the 5th spot out of 30, the sex with the most votes will break that tie.

Why Are There Two Polls?

There are two different polls, because we have people who create fanworks (Writers/Artists) and those who just enjoy them (Readers/Viewers). We want everyone's voices to be heard as we determine the Star of Round 2 and the polls are nearly identical, save for wording and an extra question on the Writers/Artists poll.

Voting for the next round's star will be open to everyone, it doesn't matter if you created a fanwork for this round or plan to for the next round. We are relying on you guys to be honest with which category you fall into. (Anyone who votes twice will have all of their votes tossed out).
  • A writer/artist is someone who writers or draws Harry Potter fan works.
  • A reader/viewer is someone who doesn't write or draw Harry Potter fan works.
The reason for the designation between writer/artist vs reader/viewer is because each vote will be worth different amounts. Votes from writers/artists (the people who have to create before it can be read/viewed) will be worth a full point, while votes from readers/viewers will be worth a half point.

Weighting the votes is not meant to make people angry or mad, it is simply a way to make sure that the Star of Round 2 is a character who everyone has some interest in creating for and viewing. Writers/Artists need Readers/Viewers and Readers/Viewers need Writers/Artists.

Please note, that any anonymous votes that are cast will get the same half point vote as the Readers/Viewers even if they vote in the Writers/Artists poll. So make sure you're signed in!

[Edit to Answer Comment Question]

Do you have to use all three votes? No, you don't have to. But the chances of getting someone you want to create a fanwork for or read about will be greater if you use all three votes.

Prizes? You Said Prizes

Yes, once the poll closes (around the time that the Masterlist is posted and reveals are done), I will be using a virtual hat to draw a name from each of the two polls. Those two people will each get a $5 giftcard to

Ok, I'm Ready to Vote

If you're an Writer/Artist, vote here.
If you're a Reader/Viewer, vote here.

!round star voting

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