Building the Round 2 Star Poll

Jul 11, 2013 08:46

With only a few weeks to go before posting for "For the Love of Pansy" starts, I'm working on creating a list of characters to include in the poll for who should be the star of the next round of "For the Love of ______".

There are so many characters in this series and, like everyone, I have my favorites and my least favorites. I'm trying to keep the list to 40 people (20 wizards, 20 witches).

My goal is to have people vote during the reading process to narrow it down to the top 3 wizards and top 3 witches. Then there will be a final poll in which the witch or wizard will be chosen. I have not decided if that poll will take place at the end of this fest or early next spring.

There are some characters that are obviously easier to write for and others that are super hard. So I want to stress to people now and when voting actually starts to remember that they're voting for characters they would write about or read about. (I do plan on including a question about whether the voter is a reader or a writer).

So here is what I have so far.

  • Albus
  • Bill
  • Charlie
  • Dean
  • Draco
  • Fred
  • Fred II (George's son)
  • George
  • Harry
  • Hugo
  • James
  • James II (Harry's son)
  • Neville
  • Percy
  • Remus
  • Ron
  • Scorpius
  • Seamus
  • Sirius
  • Teddy
  • Angelina
  • Daphne
  • Dominique
  • Fleur
  • Gabrielle
  • Ginny
  • Hannah
  • Hermione
  • Katie
  • Lavender
  • Lily
  • Lily Luna (Harry's daughter)
  • Lucy
  • Luna
  • Molly II (Percy's daughter)
  • Padma
  • Parvati
  • Rose
  • Tonks
  • Victoire
Please, please, please, let me know what you think and feel free to suggest characters that you think should be on the lists. I'd be willing to push it open a bit more and have 50 people total.

If you suggest new characters, please include who you'd remove from the list(s) above to add them to the list.

!round star voting

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