Pulling Leather (Chapter 1)

Nov 26, 2011 10:58

Title: Pulling Leather -Chapter 1 (Sequel to Away From His Hand)        
Current Mood:  Determined                                                                                         
Current Music:  You’ve Got A Friend by James Taylor                                                                                        
Author: forever9218 ( Read more... )

pulling leather, author: forever9218, genre: canon, genre: au

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Comments 24

trekfan November 26 2011, 22:01:05 UTC
I love it so far, I didn't read your first story, who is loopy?

I'll have to go back and read your other story


forever9218 November 26 2011, 23:07:05 UTC
Hey, Linda.

So glad to see you here. Lupine (aka Loopy) is an orphan wolf pup. I'll let you find out how he enters the picture once you've read Away From His Hand. Love to hear what you think once you've had a chance to complete.

Welcome to my little J&E universe! I hope you continue to stick around for the ride.

Love, Debra.


grlewis November 26 2011, 23:24:43 UTC
so glad to see that you picked this up again. i would have been broken hearted if you hadn't gotten back to this. i think things will start hopping when jack leaves. will jack get a divorce, with a nice large settlement, i hope? well, things could get dicey from here on in. hope you are able to move hings along quickly, i'm not sure i can wait! this is too good.



forever9218 November 26 2011, 23:44:56 UTC

You are just so greedy, gr. LOL! I just gave you nearly 5700 words and now you want me to move the story along. You are a slave driver.

Until my next post, I will bask in the following words as the true meaning behind your insatiable need: hope you are able to move things along quickly, i'm not sure i can wait! this is too good.

All I can say is that I'll do my best, but with Christmas and New Year's rapidly approaching, I'll probably be lucky to get one more chapter in before the end of 2011. It's nice to have such a motivating fanbase though.

As always, thanks for your wonderful comments. I truly appreciate each and every one.

Love, Debra.


torment and intrigue joetheone November 27 2011, 04:04:12 UTC
I love the interplay of Jack and Jim and well the confrontation of Alma and Ennis is a bit scarry but maybe Ennis is ready for this for him to be late to see his girls is something and then well I think when Jack leaves Ennis is going to be mighty lonely. It is a hard road in any relationship but well gay relationships have all sorts of extra baggage that well maybe someday won't be but I doubt I will live to see it. Joe


Re: torment and intrigue forever9218 November 27 2011, 13:35:20 UTC
Morning, Joe ( ... )


eandj November 27 2011, 06:41:23 UTC
grrr LJ ate my comment but here I try again
wow you write really loooong chapters- love it
I'm glad they've found Jim as a friend because esp. Ennis needs someone who knows about him and Jack and is ok with it. Perhaps this can smooth out Alma's hostility


forever9218 November 27 2011, 13:58:18 UTC
Hi, Paula!

That dastardly LJ. Yep, I most definitely feel your pain. LOL!

Regarding Jack and Ennis, you are absolutely right that they have found a true friend in Jim. For once, it's not just them against the world and that's a very good thing. I'm a firm believer that one person can make a huge difference in the course of one's life so we'll have to see how that bears out as the story unfolds.

Alma's hostility is going to be a tough nut to crack. She is filled with a sense of being played for a fool and is angered, beyond words, that Ennis has somehow gotten away with something that she believes is not only not right, but "unnatural" (i.e. "Jack Nasty"). What happens next is still to be determined, but you can bet that the challenges ahead are going to be very real.

Thanks as always for reading along and taking the time to comment.

Love, Debra.


forever9218 November 27 2011, 14:01:43 UTC
Oops! I meant "dastardly," of course. Which, of course, means that our comments about LJ are all the more real.


tizi17 November 27 2011, 10:01:16 UTC
i am so glad you continue this.. thank you!
love jim - and loopy ;-)
and i am curious to see how ennis will handle all this now..


forever9218 November 27 2011, 14:09:23 UTC

Hi, Tizi. I'm so glad you are continuing to enjoy where I am going with this story. And, yes, Ennis will continue to be a challenge. He is a good man and loves Jack with all his heart, but he is also easily spooked and far more pessimistic about the ways of the world and being able to effect meaningful change. Thank goodness he has Jack.

Btw: I'm kinda partial to Jim and Loopy too! ;-)

Love, Debra.


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