Divine Intervention

May 18, 2009 19:11

Author: forever9218
Pairing: Ennis and Jack
Genre: AU/Chocolate fanfic challenge - Short Fiction
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: Brokeback Mountain is the intellectual property of Ms. Annie Proulx. No money is being made from this work and no copyright infringement is intended. Just trying to paint new horizons for our beloved boys.
Dedication: To all ( Read more... )

au, divine intervention, challenge

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Comments 30

Congratulations! sid401k May 12 2009, 22:11:22 UTC
Your prize for Best Chocolate Challenge Short Fiction is some chocolate from San Francisco!

However, I need your address to send it to you!

I'll send you my email address in a PM.


Re: Congratulations! forever9218 May 18 2009, 19:08:31 UTC
Thanks for your e-mail, Sid. You are very sweet and kind. And, your writing is wickedly delicious too! Debra.


freetraveller15 May 15 2009, 18:44:41 UTC
Many congratulations for your winning entry!
I always like reading your comments, but you're also an amazing writer.
Love & hugs,


forever9218 May 18 2009, 19:06:24 UTC
Thanks, Paola. You are as sweet as chocolate. I have always appreciated your responses to my comments. I literally blushed when I read your reaction to something I had written on Jane's BFF journal some time ago. Your guileless praise is humbling, indeed. Btw: Where's our next installment of ITL? 0:-)



camillar May 18 2009, 23:09:09 UTC
Oh, it's not Paola's fault that ITL is slow in coming. I'm having some issues :( But, I have most of the next chapter written so...maybe soon I hope :)


forever9218 May 18 2009, 23:38:12 UTC
I love when a writer becomes protective of her precious beta. Paola is a gem for sure. Actually, I was just hoping she might have some inside influence/information with the talented author! :)

Soon is good. Thanks, Debra.


Divine Intervention ennis4me May 18 2009, 18:35:28 UTC
Congrats!! Your wonderful story certainly deserves accolades - it was not only well conceived, but well written.

I hope we see more!! Thanks....Adrianne


Re: Divine Intervention forever9218 May 18 2009, 18:55:25 UTC

Thanks so much, Adrianne.

Puppy dogs...Ennis & Jack... Chocolate. An irresistible fusion for sure. I almost feel like I had an unfair advantage! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Debra.


enoughtohurt May 18 2009, 19:33:01 UTC

Thank you SO much, dear friend. I am grinning like a fool. I think you already know how much I loved this story. It was my absolute favorite, my number one in the short fiction category. I totally LOVED this.

As I said in my comment, it was a little heartbreaking at the beginning, and the imagery lyrical and so beautiful. And then it was sexy, SWEET and funny. Your boys are adorable; tender Ennis and wicked gorgeous Jack Twist.

Very clever, babe, and truly awesome. Loved the puppies too. It's so OS Jack. He loved puppies. :-)

You deserved the prize you won. You are a brilliant writer.

Big big hugs!!!



forever9218 May 18 2009, 20:03:00 UTC
Thank you, dear. Just wanted to make sure you knew how much you had inspired me to not only write an entry for the challenge, but to post...for the first time. Whew! It took me awhile to figure everything out, including how to post the doggie shots with an html link. But, I am nothing if not determined.

I agree. Who can resist a tender Ennis and a wickedly gorgeous Jack Twist. I tried to weave some canon elements into the mix, while still paying tribute to the beautiful actors who brought are star-crossed lovers to life. Thanks, again, for reading,casting your ballot in my direction, and for all the positive vibes in general. ((((Tammy)))

Love, Debra.


sapphobrazil May 18 2009, 19:47:04 UTC
*happy dance*

Deserved victory .;-)



forever9218 May 18 2009, 20:05:12 UTC
Awww, Ana, thank you so much. I am glad that you enjoyed my little story. Take care, Debra.


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